1. B

    leaf sprung landrover forum

    Hope I am not in the do doo for mentioning this other forum, if I am please delete this post! I have tried to register on the leaf sprung landrover forum several times, but never get my email saying a mod has checked me, anyone had simmilar experiences, or is it just me? Sorry again, if...
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    1971 series 3 109 wing mirrors, overdrive and side step

    Hi Tried this in the other catagory, had one reply (for which I am thankful), but remembered there was a series catagory, so rtying it in here to. I have a 109 series 3 that has mirrors on the wings, I was wondering if you can get any better ones, maybe to use the hinge mountings, as I don't...
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    top speed

    Maybe the trucks overtaking you are not from the UK, then they may not the restricted to the same speed.
  4. B

    top speed

    It means some of the oldies go aboput 15mph, anything upwards from that. 15mph is about the slowest vehicle I drive, or help to drive. hehe Then again 15mph is quite fast or feels fast!!
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    Dead man walking How do you get oil of drive?

    Have you usede the steam cleaner on it? That works on proper concrete, on our wash off bay.
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    top speed

    Hi My series 3 diesel 109 1971 does about 45 on the flat, would do more I am sure, but that is fast enough for me. Obviously hills do slow it up a bit, but it will do simmilar speeds on hills too. Normally I drive the modern about 50 55 60 something on those lines, then the other oldies...
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    1971 series 3 109 wing mirrors, overdrive and side step

    Hi I have a 109 series 3 that has mirrors on the wings, I was wondering if you can get any better ones, maybe to use the hinge mountings, as I don't really want to drill additional fitting holes? Secondly, is there a suitable side step, to go onto the drivers side, due to a bad back, it...
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    Arc Eye

    Hi Being in the work I am, it does happen from time to time. Not recently, as I now have my speedglass helmet! hehe If you do awake, or feel it, don't try to relieve the pain with water, it will feel twice as bad, I use milk, this seems to soothe my eyes, as it has a fatty film I think...
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    Running on Lpg

    Sorry, I never meant to mean they don't run ok on it, just it is not as effective, as you have to swap over, having buttons to press etc, that came straight from the horses mouth, who runs the LPG conversion business, so I have trust in him knowing what he is on about! he did thousands of...
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    Running on Lpg

    Hi I was told not to bother with LPG unless it is petrol injection, as you really need to start on petrol, to swap onto LPG when warm, this is not easy with a carb, or maybe easy is the wrong word, but not very effective, etc. Cheers Dave
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    Good idea, will take this into mind, when the time comes, cheers.
  12. B


    Hi I could do, but I am not that bothered about it, as it is so minute at the moment, to tell the truth, like I say it is very close, to being right. If you saw some of the other problems, on other vehicles, both mine and others I helpon, this is not desperate! haha Cheers Dave
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    Hi Parked at home, there is a very slight lean, unoticeable to most, I have asked a few people, and they couldn't decide which way it was leaning, but to my eyes, engineering eyes it is slight, so the side incline yesterday must have exagerated it, so for now, that is ok. Cheers Dave
  14. B

    Slave Cylinders?

    Great! hehe Cheers for that! I will give them a good going first, as they are set up perfect at the moment. Then I will have to resort to backing them off should I need to. Cheers Dave
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    Slave Cylinders?

    Hi Just had a phone call from the garage, they have replaced the cylinders, set them up, and tried to bleed them, but still have no pedal, I told them to stop trying, as I don't want to be paying them hours of labour for bleeding, something I can do in the dark if necesary! So except the...
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    Thanks to you all....

    It was one just for series landrovers, thought some of the topics looked interesting. Can't remember the name, without going through my emails.
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    Thanks to you all....

    Hi Just to let you all know, I really apriciate this forum, I only joined very recently, bought the landrover last friday night, collected it Saturday, and you have all answered numberous of my questions in a helpful way, So thank you to you all! Then again, I will still have lots more...
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    Cheers, will check that! It might be well to get them off, and clean them up, as that is about the only rusty coloured thing on the underside.
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    Hi I noticed a slight lean towards the drivers side ont he landrover, when buying it. I parked it at the garage today, to find it on a slight side incline, and this has really made me look! hehe Any ideas, or common problems, springs or shockers? Any cunning ways to check them, diagnose...
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    Slave Cylinders?

    Hi I have booked the landy in at the local garage we use at work, I seem to have no time spare, and would like to be able to drive it now I have bought it! It's typical, isn't it, when I buy something, I go silly busy at work, and with the bees we have, and other things, vehicles and the...