1. S

    Black Smoke

    Well it took a while - and after what amounts to the most expensive service in history, I have sorted it. In the interests of people being able to problem solve: Fuel Injection Pump was on it's last legs nd un-rebuildable, so I bought a 2nd hand one and had that rebuilt and calibrated...
  2. S

    Rattling sound from within the engine

    Broken valve spring
  3. S

    Engine Identification 200tdi or 300tdi???

    200 has two belts 300 has one
  4. S

    Is this right?

    It's Tat - send it back Anyone can weld, but not everyone can weld well - to sell that as a service well...... Hang your Head who ever you are
  5. S

    Turbo Pressure

    Thanks BoB - I think that will prove useful in the coming weeks and months
  6. S

    Turbo Pressure

    Okay - this sounds like an obvious question, but...... What pressure should I be getting at the Inlet Manifold. Logically it should be the same as measured at the turbo, but is it and if not what should it be?
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    Black Smoke

    The fuel is 100% Tesco / Morrison Diesel.
  8. S

    Monty Halls

    I thought that too. He had a Landy - I don't know if it was the same one - in his last series Great Escape. Don't recall too many problems with that one though
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    Black Smoke

    Lol A couple of hours were spent taking the top off, turn a few degrees and the put the top on. Start engine - watch the world dissappear when revved, cough, stop engine and repeat. Suffice to say nothing, nada, nix, zilch happened to the level of smoke Perhaps I should say that I can drive...
  10. S

    Disco won't start, says "click"

    I suspect that the 'louder' click is because of 2 things: 1. The console is off 2. You have heard it and now listen for it In short nothing to worry about The other solenoid click from the key turn is the significant one. My guess is that you have disturbed an earth connection somewhere
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    injector pump settings lost!

    Having just done mine in a 200. Return to sender! Pay the money and get it set up by someone who knows - it isn't a fortune and it buys a lot of piece of mind
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    Black Smoke

    Still smoking,.........lots. Q. If I had 300tdi injectors in a 200tdi engine, what would be the outcome - would it result in a smokey engine? Yours Frustrated of Burton on trent Edited for clarity
  13. S

    Black Smoke

    LOL - Thanks for those sage words of wisdom. Guess what..............Nothing wrong with the timing!! Now investigating if the diaphragm on it vacuum side of the fuel injecion pump has been turned so it gives more fuel than is required. To be honest - I am at the point of straw clutching
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    Black Smoke

    An update: Reconditioned IP Turbo Boost pressure okay Turbo has been off and checked - All okay Hoses clear - we have enough air Still Black smoke The inlet manifold has come off - it's clean, all gaskets in the right place The Injector lines have been checked and injectors replaced...
  15. S

    Black Smoke

    After many years of do I, dont I, I finally took the plunge and joined the Landy community - Still trying to wipe the smile off my face. I have had a mystery problem (known before purchase) with the 90 Defender I bought for a while - No power and black smoke when the throttle is wide open So...