1. Vulcan426

    So long - and thanks for all the advice.

    After six months of almost continuous spanner work, my latest electrical 'issue' has been the straw to break the camel's back. Having experienced a total failure in the alarm / imobiliser and central locking, I reluctantly shelled out for replacement parts and then commissioned a mobile...
  2. Vulcan426

    EOBD or not EOBD?

    Cheers for the replies. Ho, hum - at least the scanner should work with the wife's Mini! Cheers, Ian.
  3. Vulcan426

    EOBD or not EOBD?

    I have just become the proud owner of an Autel Maxiscan MS509 Scan tool, which I was hoping to use with my 2000 1.8 Freelander. After multiple attempts to get it connected, I simply can't get it to 'talk' to the vehicle. Does anyone know if these (pre-MEMS 3) vehicles are actually OBD...
  4. Vulcan426

    Very Strabge Central Locking / Immobiliser Issue

    Hi TD John, Thanks very much for this. Think I've located a breaker locally - the guy's just looking to see if it's all still there. Fingers crossed. Give me traditional locks and no fancy imobilisers any day of the week over this convoluted system. Cheers again. Ian.
  5. Vulcan426

    Very Strabge Central Locking / Immobiliser Issue

    Hi Mike, Just wondering if it's possible to replace the CCU and engine management ECU as a matched pair? The RAVE manual seems to suggest that the exchange of information happens between the CCU and ECU - so I'm guessing that taking a matched pair from another vehicle would work...
  6. Vulcan426

    Very Strabge Central Locking / Immobiliser Issue

    Cheers Disco Mikey, Yep - I'm thinking that's it - unless I can pick up a second hand CCU with remotes from a breakers! Cheers again, Ian.
  7. Vulcan426

    Very Strabge Central Locking / Immobiliser Issue

    Thanks for that Steve. Tried it several times, but it's just not having it! I'm guessing this is probably a CCU fault - but hoping it isn't! Cheers again, Ian.
  8. Vulcan426

    Very Strabge Central Locking / Immobiliser Issue

    Thanks Steve - good suggestions. I am told that the Freelander does use an EKA - the helpful dealer actually provided it in exchange for a copy of my V5 and driving licence. I will definitely have a look at the fobs - but would also appreciate any tips on entering it. Thanks again. Ian.
  9. Vulcan426

    Very Strabge Central Locking / Immobiliser Issue

    Thanks for that. Just tried new batteries in the key fob - no good. Phoned the dealer and got the EKA - but that doesn't work. Where's the matches!
  10. Vulcan426

    Very Strabge Central Locking / Immobiliser Issue

    Whilst away on business this week, the wife called to say that she thought the Freelander had a flat battery. As she described it, "the key fob does nothing and if you open it with the key, it's dead - the starter doesn't turn". On returning home today, I find that the battery is in a good...
  11. Vulcan426

    Home Made Cooling System Pressure Tester - Save Yourself £70

    It's for 'pushing' a piston back into the caliper when changing pads. As you have probably experienced, they can get a little 'sticky' - meaning it's hard to force them back into the caliper when fitting new pads. Basically, you slip this in - in place of the old pads. The handle...
  12. Vulcan426

    Home Made Cooling System Pressure Tester - Save Yourself £70

    Right, here's another tip...... Don't throw your old brake discs away - for the sake of an hours work with a hacksaw / angle grinder, you could turn them into a really useful brake piston retraction tool. The one here was made from a disc from my old Volvo S40. I basically just cut two...
  13. Vulcan426

    Home Made Cooling System Pressure Tester - Save Yourself £70

    Hello guys - and sorry for missing some of these replies (work's gone flippin crazy lately!). Thanks for your votes of confidence - as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. I only tested up to about 1 Bar (think the cap is rated to about 1.2 Bar - though, don't quote me on...
  14. Vulcan426

    Oh dear. Oh very dear.

    Could not agree more - that's one of the first thoughts that struck me; there's no accounting for taste, is there! What's even more worrying is that the current bid is £5.6K! And....it's had 4 bids!! The new owner will probably spend that much again on tyres in the first couple of years - as...
  15. Vulcan426

    Got to say it.....I'm a real fan of my K Series!!

    Thanks for that. I've got another week off work next week, so think I'll give this a go. Real K Series fans will probably already have seen this, but there's a couple of good videos on Youtube about the design of the K series. YouTube- Rover K-Series Engine Part One YouTube- Rover...
  16. Vulcan426

    Got to say it.....I'm a real fan of my K Series!!

    Cheers for the replies guys. Freebiker - you've got me really interested in the 52mm throttle body thing - is that an easy change?
  17. Vulcan426

    Got to say it.....I'm a real fan of my K Series!!

    Having just returned from a few days away in the Hippo, I have to say that, based on my personal experience, I'm now a confirmed fan of my K series. Over the last 5 days, we have covered 815 miles, to, from and around the Lake District and it hasn't missed a beat. Admittedly, I did do a...
  18. Vulcan426

    Belt Tensioner

    Cheers guys. That has put my mind at rest. Thanks, Ian.
  19. Vulcan426

    Belt Tensioner

    Ahead of my first real long(ish) road trip in the Hippo next week, I've been doing all that I can to get her ship shape. Shortly after acquring the car (about two months ago) the first job that I did was change the cambelt and tensioner. All fitted nicely and cover duly applied with the...
  20. Vulcan426

    New Radiator - About Time by The Looks of The Old One!

    Thank you for your observation, sir. Indeed, as I lay across the engine, with blood running from the two large cuts across my hand and with a constellation of bruises forming on my upper arm - I was sorely tempted. But I have always considered that throwing the towel in is not the spirit...