1. R

    London to Brighton

    ill be there as well in my ex military 109 ffr itll be the one with all the radio gear in the bac so come say hello
  2. R


    hi guys 1990 3.9 se vougue whilst driving up the m11 on saturday, outside lane 70mph a big bang and the whole cabin filled with steam total blindness caused me to run into the central crash barrier :( and received major burns to my left foot the steam seemed to come from the footwell any...
  3. R

    SIII 109 FFR - gearbox issue

    hi slob guess that would depend on the 12v x 24v conversion it may still have 24v bulbs if it was a parrtial conversion and 12v barely lites the 24v filament guess thats the prob with buying messed around 24v landies regards ray
  4. R

    SIII 109 FFR - gearbox issue

    is it all converted or just the ignition ps just posted my pics
  5. R


    hi im ray 109 just posted some pics of my 109 ffr and my series one been a landy owner for a good few years so done most jobs a landy can throw at you sorry bout posting pics twice as the first time they were to small great forum , look forward to being here lots regards ray
  6. R

    SIII 109 FFR - gearbox issue

    hi mcupis nice looking landy is it still 24v ? are you going to get all the radio gear for shows etc have you got the military reg no on the plate on seat box ive only just joined so ill suss the picture thingy then put some of my ffr pics on here regards ray