1. A

    Beefing up?

    Get some steel wheels [Matofrd Landrover Exeter had them for £4.99 on ebay] last month. Fit some Colway Mud tyres [appx £35 each]. You'll be able to get to Tesco X country then! Although you'll get a bit more road noise & a bit less MPG. Andy
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    Freelander luggage net

    Has anyone come accross a vertical luggage net that fits behind the rear seats? I've got a dog guard but want to replace it with something more flexible for the family holiday this year. Any ideas?? Andy :confused:
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    TD4 Vibration at 1250-1500?????

    Hi, Any ideas on this really annoying vibration? Occurs in any gear at between 1250-1500rpm (if you hold at 1250rpm you can just maintain the vibration) and then accelerate through and it seems to go. Noise is soft not aggressive and comes from front of hippo. -This is a 52 plate td4. Thanks in...
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    Fuel thingie?

    http://http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290002003584&fromMakeTrack=true Has anyone fitted one of these or have any more info? Andy:confused:
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    freelander seat covers?

    Hi, can anyone recommend a supplier for seat covers? Particularly the rear seat as I don't want the kids or dogs to mud it up! I have seen a lot on the net but nothing stands out. I guess original sets are an arm & leg to buy?! Andy:rolleyes: