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    Dodgy People

    fancy taking advantage of the 'legally unstable'!!!! shame on you lol
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    squeeling something and sticky gear change?????

    thankyou for ur patience with me GRUNT! lol i am new to LR this is my first and its a discovery 2.5td. plenty of oil and all that in. i am thinking it could be the power steering or fan belt? could i be on the right lines? as for the gear thing the more i am driving it the easier its getting...
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    Hi everyone...i'm new...be gentle!

    thanks for all the hellos! nice to be welcomed!......and any attention is good attention x
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    4x4's Good or Bad

    just joined the site, this is the first page link i looked at and read....funny funny funny!!!!
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    squeeling something and sticky gear change?????

    to be honest i know v.v.v.little bout cars but i am willing to learn! first problem is that when i am say reversing or crawling forward very slowly something in the engine is making a squeeling sound? any ideas? secondly, changing gear feels like a big effort. i know that my car is like quite...
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    Hi everyone...i'm new...be gentle!

    hi all! just saying hello and having a mooch around. i found the site because i have only just got my first landrover and i was having a little trouble with first gear so i googled it and it had a link to this site so i thought i would have a look round! as it says on my profile thing, i am...