1. L


    going to take the prop shaft off tuesday to eliminate that and the transfer box, as garage determined it is the tranfer box but i think the same as you drive shaft, any advice on that?
  2. L

    freelander diff - help and advice please

    hi where you from? we just had a good secondhand rear dif put on £ 250 all in, what type of noises are you having
  3. L

    sunroof not working

    my sunroof is not working, the motor tries to work but all you get is clicking noise, roof will lift slightly if you put wait on it, any one help me with this?
  4. L


    many thanks i will give it a shot, i'll get other half to have a go lol
  5. L


    there is not really any shaking in the steering like that, just the whole car
  6. L


    thanks, but how much approx will that set me back? and is it a big job?
  7. L


    :(:( hope people can help, i've got a w reg 1.8 petrol, 5 door at about 30 up to about 70 when you have the power on in any way its like you have buckled front wheels and a scratchy noise, after 70 it calms down, still there but only very little. had tyre's checked and balanced, still there...
  8. L


    hi i'm sam from saltash cornwall, i have a w reg freelander 1.8 5 door