1. H

    Change of Plan !!! LPG ???? Any Ideas

    I had a change of plan after looking about at the dealers and e-bay / Aauto trader, the idea was to buy a 2.5 DSE, hoverever, it seems I could get a 4.0 petrol fitted with an LPG kit for less than I was possibly looking at for the DSE at the cheeper end of the market place, - anyone have any...
  2. H

    Range Rover 2.5 BMW Engine / auto ???

    Thanks to you all for your assistance
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    Range Rover 2.5 BMW Engine / auto ???

    Hi All, Having purchased a total pup some time back and managing to unload, Im just about to dip me toe into the water again !!!, looking for a 2.5 DSE auto, prob 96/97 ish, any info and what I should be looking out for would be seriouslt appreciated, just been offered a real clean "P" reg but...
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    Finally given up on the P38 !!!!

    Hi All, Well the P38 has finally beat me, :mad:, (and I've run outta money), so its now up for sale as of today, if anyones interested its up as "flea bay" item No: 230512971161 and well worth a look. Many thanks to all who have assisted me with questions and previous repairs, and I'm looking...
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    Wanted... used "cheap" 2.5 DSE Radiator ?

    Hi, Any chance anyone has one knockin about, have been let down by a seller on "flee-bay", that is currently under investigation ? and were desperate, yes theres loads about on there, but really dont want to pay a fortune.............and the two local rbreakers close to me in Aylesbury / Bucks...
  6. H

    head gasket

    Hi, Im no mechanic and have probz galore on my 2.5DSE, the chap thats looking at it said not the head gasket or it would be running lumpy, (water would find its way into the bore) ???? and the motor runs fine, just overheats, he does tell me tho that a common prob on these cars is that the...
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    Baggy Head.........lining ?

    Hi all, My 1996 is now suffering baggy head lining over the rear seat area, is there anyway of rectifying this with relative ease, or it a re-trim and involve some specialist services.............must be a way ? Any assistance greatly appreciated Cheerz guyz
  8. H

    P38 Mpg Diesel?

    Hi, I posted the mail, "is this a SLUG or what", the reply I had was, " That's what gives the low mpg figures, the near constant acceleration of a 2+ ton car, especially in urban areas getting up to 30-40mph all the time",........especially as it seems so underpowered. Im now considering a...
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    P38 Grille Upgrade

    try flea-bay item no 200452356450, ends today at about 6:30
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    P38 Grille Upgrade

    Hi, I was shopping on-line at "foundry 4x4" earlier today and sure that I saw one, try see if you can pick them up on google, if not - give me a shout and I'll see if I can find the number for you, they are based in wales and are a great source of bitz / partz - cheerz. I agree, that grill mod...
  11. H

    2.5 DSE auto -is it a SLUG or what ?

    Please excuse ignorance on these cars, this "power box", what is it, where do I find one and any idea on cost / fitting..............Many thanks, really appreciated
  12. H

    Help 2.5 DSE - Packed up / any ideas ?

    Many thanks for your input, I had not driven too much, due to broken leg, but previously all had been ok, only just bought the damm thing too, - the car did not steam as I pulled over when the guage hit the red, and it did start and run when it had cooled down. The point of not reaching...
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    2.5 DSE auto -is it a SLUG or what ?

    In response to the prob on my 2.5, is this the slowest car in the world ?, I had noticed that it seemes to take for ever to get 0-40, once there it cruises fantastic all day, but its the getting there, hell, I could read a damm book before it hits 40mph, - is this a generalised feeling with the...
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    Help 2.5 DSE - Packed up / any ideas ?

    Hi all, any ideas grealy appreciated, ok 1996 RR 2.5 DSE auto, BMW engine, 208k, suddenly lost all power totally, temp guage shot thro the roof and came to a grinding halt, the vehicle did not blow steam out(on the M4 of all places, cost me 200 quid recovery), moving on.......when the recovery...