1. R

    D2 Who would buy another

    Now that says it all!
  2. R

    D2 Who would buy another

    I did. I sold my first a couple of years ago along with my van and bought a Ranger to do the job of both. The moment the new owner drove it away I pined for it, so last June I bought another. It's an auto like it's predecessor and I love it, there's just something about the way you feel when...
  3. R

    TD5 Towbar

    Try Anglia Towing Equipment (ATE) in Colchester 01206 795949, they are pretty knowledgable
  4. R

    Coming back to the fold, I've seen the light

    Yep, it's good. The dealer offered to put it on a ramp for me to have a proper look around so I did. It'll get a good seeing to when it arrives, it has to last some time.
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    Coming back to the fold, I've seen the light

    After selling my TD5 nearly two years ago due to economic pressures - I was rationalising, sold my van as well and bought a pick up - I've just bought another. This ones a 2000 GS and I get it on Friday and to be quite honest I can't wait to get it on the drive and start my usual cleaning...
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    Another Air Bag / Height Sensor Issue

    Well, much investigation has finally revealed...............nowt. The valve block appears ok as do the pipes. I've replaced the offside bump stop and the car no longer drops to the axle, obviously, but it remains up on the nearside dropping only 20/30 mm on switch off. Think I'm going to replace...
  7. R

    Fake odometer reading???

    Hi all, interesting thread, reminds me of a situation some years ago. Around 2000/2001, a large vehicle rental company returned a batch of 12 month old Rover 75's. The vehicles went directly back to Rover, and it was then that the fun began, allegedly. These cars apparently had less mileage on...
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    Another Air Bag / Height Sensor Issue

    Hi Chris, thanks for that. I've just had a quick look at the car and realised that I think it is sitting down on both sides. The reason being that I have a missing bump stop on the offside, so this is settling further than the nearside which obviously rests on its remaining bump stop. I am...
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    Another Air Bag / Height Sensor Issue

    Hi all, thanks for your advice. I'm going to have a look at the valve block as Chris suggests, is there a particularly good method for checking it?
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    Another Air Bag / Height Sensor Issue

    Hi all I have an issue, I've spent considerable time on here searching for the definitive answer and can't quite get it right. Ok, I sold my 300 and bought a TD5 ES a couple of months ago, and it has been excellent until recently. Its started to sit down overnight on the offside. It lifts...
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    Wheel Nuts.....Am I missing something here?

    Gents, I thank you. I'll have a proper look tomorrow
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    Wheel Nuts.....Am I missing something here?

    Maybe I'm dafter these days than I thought.... I have recently sold my 200TDI and aquired a 300 Anniversary. Now, it had no wheel brace when I bought it so I have my trusty non genuine one. However, this fits the nuts but are the chrome covers on them supposed to come off before undoing the...