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    Anyone fitted solar panels to their lannie?

    Hi, Bought myself a 1.8w solar panel off Amazon for under £13. This keeps my battery charged when the Vechicle is not being used. Just got to remember to discont it when starting and running
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    4203 Perkins

    hi folks got myself a Series 2a with a Perkins 4203, been searching the net for info about this. Can anyone tell me what oil i should put in it ? Any advice on this engine would be nice, just waiting for a manual to popup on ebay
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    Seat Belts

    thanks guys found what i needed to know, it was the sholder mount, someone had put a home made custom plate, riviting it in place over the mounts hiding them. Couldn't see them from the bed because of wood paneling. Visited Paddocks bought them and they are now in cheers
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    all right there 5 miles away if you see a 2 tone F plate truck cab give us a wave

    all right there 5 miles away if you see a 2 tone F plate truck cab give us a wave
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    Hi From Fife

    Hi all from Fife, Been around Land Rovers for a while and finally decided to take the plunge and got one myself What have i let myself in for !!!!:eek:
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    Seat Belts

    hi there i have a series 2a 1968 truck cab, Has anyone fitted seat belts to these. i have tried a number of online shops but no one seems to be able to help