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    Freelander Revs uncontrollably!

    Thanks, i'll try and let you know if it works.
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    Freelander Revs uncontrollably!

    Thanks for that. a colleague has just suggested the TPi. Is that the same thing?
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    Freelander Revs uncontrollably!

    Hi, I have a Freelander 1.8 XEi. It has started to increase revs on it's own when i'm stationary for no apparent reason. I can be ideling at traffic lights and the revs suddendly shoot up to around 3000 without my foot being anywhere near the throttle. Is this a common/major fault or can it be...
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    Can't get my soft top back!! help

    I recently purchased a Freelander 1998 soft Top. There was no booklet and i had great difficulty in taking the soft top down. I eventually managed to undo the roof clips with a claw hammer. I cannot now get them back. There appears to be a trinagular bolt which may loosen the clips but i'm not...