1. I

    HELP Please!! Freelander immobiliser im stuck

    Went to my freelander this morning and the bloody think will not start. Immobiliser light on permanent red when trying to start. The key Fob has decided to stop working and will not open any doors at all. I changed its battery and tried to re-sync it as the manual says but this is still...
  2. I

    Freelander re-build - Head gasket

    Hi all I am currently putting a 1.8 K series freelander back on the road, which has stood for around two years. Having completed the final job for MOT last night the god damn head gasket went on pulling out the shop. No 2 cylinder full of water, eggy exhaust, milky oil filler yadder yadder...
  3. I

    Freelander virgin

    Cheers guys, its a five door
  4. I

    Freelander virgin

    Hello all, I have taken the plunge and am currently putting a freelander back on the road that has sat for 2 years gathering must rust. Does anyone know of a cheap place to get my hands on a front abs sensor. Had to destroy the old one on removal attempting to clean it. Freelander is a 98...