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    brought my first landy today

    i've was given a hammer with it! i work on powered access, diesels, electrics and hydraulics. so i've got all the tools i'll need. the misses is excited about it and want's me to spend money to get it running.(she'll soon change her mond though)
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    brought my first landy today

    i collected it today and they've gave me a spare 2 1/4 engine and box, original bonnet and grill, a spare front bumper and door skin. they'd sold it a week ago to an ex-army bloke for £1000 and the same day he blew the head gasket, so they brought it back for £500 and sold it to me...
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    brought my first landy today

    well i've wanted one for ages and today i've gone a got one, it needs a bit doing to it but i'm looking forward to getting stuck in. i'll be needing a radiator and head gasket for it so if anyone has any then let me know. here it is...
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    hello all, new member alert

    i really hope so, i've just got to finish the vectra and sell it, then it's landy here we come.
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    for sale section

    thanks, so i am stupid then. oh well never mind
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    for sale section

    sorry but i'm new and maybe stupid, but i cannot find a for sale section
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    hello all, new member alert

    just signed up to this great looking site. currently i have a 1996 vectra v6 and a 1996 vectra 1.7td i'll be keeping the diesel vectra as it's cheap but i've wanted a landy for a while now so i'll be selling my v6 and going for a 109" station wagon. i'm just tyding up the paintwork on the...