1. M

    dam thing won't start!!

    Hi everyone... Sorry, not really sure if I am posting this in the right place.... I have a series 3 109 sation wagon lhd Petrol and it wont start, well.... I started it and was on my to the shops when out of the blue it died... thought i might have run out of petrol. so after a long walk back...
  2. M

    Hi everyone... sorry, not really sure if I am posting this in the right place.... I have a...

    Hi everyone... sorry, not really sure if I am posting this in the right place.... I have a series 3 109 sation wagon lhd Petrol and it wont start. I started it and this moring and was on my to the shops when out of the blue it died... thought i might have run out of petrol. so after a long...
  3. M

    Abandoned Series in Dubai --- Please Help if Possible

    Hi all, Hope everyone is well? I am trying a bit of a long shot here, but other than trying the clubs I don't know what else to do. I have found an abandoned series 3 109 that has survived the government ban of vehicles older than 20 years. (Basically any vehicle older that 20 year had to be...