1. 2

    Kumbu-Kumbu Safari: Cape Town to Dar es Salaam in a Disco TD5

    hi you might want to have a llok at our blog - we spent quite a lot of time in malawi - you hould have no problems with camping but i would suggest that with a TD5 take a good diagnostic tool with you, outside of SA i think you will find they dont exist and local knowledge does not go past tdis...
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    t-max split charge system any good?

    hi 300tdi i bought has a T max split charge system don't know if got a fault or is wired wrongly as i don't have instructions - anyone got a copy. As i understand it it should link batteries after after 5 mins but it seems to do it straight away - which if main battery is OK i suppose is fair...
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    wiring roof lights

    hi interested in the above and previous link diagrams etc but being very dull on such matters what is the reference "Acc+ve" mean? especially in respect of the reference above that you now need a separate switch for fog lights presumably the 3 position switch would not now be allowed? Also...
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    waffle boards

    no good for bridging you say - why do they advertise them as such? new to this but looking for some for expedition 0 130 crew cab plus rooof rack be interested in recommendations as well.