1. L

    got up at 5.00 am and the defenders gone again!!

    ever heard of a pervert gypsy? no i dont think so. i rest my case
  2. L

    got up at 5.00 am and the defenders gone again!!

    i am a thourugh bred romani and where i come from pikey is a racist word for a gypsy so because some off us like to take stuff dont mean were all like that. so is it ok too call all non gypsies like yourselfs peadophiles and perverts because some non gipsies are. so i can paint you all with the...
  3. L

    got up at 5.00 am and the defenders gone again!!

    those !pikeys! as you call us were probably out doing scrap metal and calling about old parked cars. ive been a member for 4mins and i find the word pikey straight away. maybe it was the niggers or the pakis that took it ,did i just say that. i bet you find that offencive racist words , nuff said