1. S

    Winch Service!!!

    I'll give it a try! Anyone know of anywhere near to Nottingham that could possibly service it?
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    Winch Service!!!

    How did you free the inside of the motor off? I've undone the 2 long bolts that hold the motor to the chassis, I cant work out how to get the motor out the housing? Is there any special grease that you used?
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    Winch Service!!!

    Hi Guys, Went to Tixover last Sunday and managed to get the Disco stuck!! I had no choice but to try and winch myself out (submerged I know) which has led to my winch no longer working!! :o Now, I have whipped off the motor and it's pretty grim in there, has anyone ever rebuilt their winch...
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    Help Please!!!

    Hi Ratty, thanks for the response. Britpart HD clutch kit, clutch. pressure plate, and bearing. Also put in a new clutch fork, everything looked the same and went back together fine. Will I be able to see if the centre has pushed out by sliding the box back a few inches?
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    Help Please!!!

    Any thoughts on this guys? :confused:
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    Help Please!!!

    Hi guys, I have a 1995 V8 disco, which has had a 300 TDi engine put into it, retaining the V8 box. The problem I have is with the clutch, it was slipping in 4th and 5th so I decided to slip a new one in. So far so good... Until I put the clutch in for the 1st time to try it, pedal hit the floor...
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    Morning all! I'm new to the world of Land Rovers, having wanted one for ages and finally getting the other half round to my way of thinking, I now own a 95 Disco, was a V8 but is now a 300! ;)