1. S

    Newby to Freelander.. need your advice

    I shouldn't have never mentioned Toyota on here...:)... upping the budget is probably best...thanks:)
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    Newby to Freelander.. need your advice

    Andy131 - thanks so much...it all seems less daunting now.. thanks... I shall listen to the advice.. I may up my budget a few thousand... and just go for it...I think...:)...
  3. S

    Newby to Freelander.. need your advice

    Thanks vmuch... I shall heed the great advice.. :))
  4. S

    Newby to Freelander.. need your advice

    Hi I am keen to buy a Freelander, I just love them.. even though my local garage mechanic says stay far away from them!! He says, when they come into the garage, we all run a mile... worrying... or is it? Can you help on this? My budget is £13-£14,000 - diesel preferred - any suggestions. I...