1. P

    diesel bug?

    you would be amazed at what bacteria can live off about 15 years ago i know that there were large scale trials of a bacterial leaching system to remove copper from mine slag heaps as the bacteria would "eat" the copper ore for the sulphates and then leave the copper in a liquid that could be...
  2. P

    diesel bug?

    Diesil bug actually lives in any heavy mineral oi=l BE CAREFULL as some people have a reaction to it and it causes period esq nose bleeds as it can live on people as well. this i know far to well with hours of work with my head in a bucket of my own blood. if it IS bug. honestly ditch is as...
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    i should clarify a touch im in a 2.2 tdci 90 van, and frankly i rarely use 1st or 3rd even on the hills round my way. compared to the 2.2 tdci CSW 90 i had for a courtesy car when mine was deleakified by rodger young on warranty was frankly nowhere near as torquey at all. it was really...
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    nice easy drive, torquey as hell. im getting 29-30mpg consistently and im mainly doing around town with lots of ####ing hills driving. had no issues but honestly its early days at the moment. are you heading to rodger young as Paul the defender sales bloke there was really honest with me...
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    DVLA cameras

    actually you can claim off a little known thing called the motor insurance bureau. for untraced (ie scarpered) or uninsured drivers. basically its a pot paid into by the insurance scammers for such events so you dont get hit for a claim. that is if your actually in the know about it and ask...
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    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Hi all. would like to get to know some torbay area folks to go laning with as the local 4x4 club only seems interested in its pay to play stuff im not that interested in. any links to known access allowed lanes would be good as frankly the access stuff confuses me
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    People pulling out in front of me.

    i frequently have people driving at me and given i had a nasty head on crash a few years ago im more than a touch nervy at the moment. but ive stopped giving them half a chance and simply drive at them untill they back down. a little away from the topic. how do you guage too close from a...
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    the one i have i simply clamp around the drivers door handle or the rear light protectors as it has a huge padlock style hasp that locks when the box locks. the place i got mine from that does spearfishing stuff doesn't have it on the website or id link directly to it
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    What i do when i am diving is to have a key lock. basically a giant padlock that has a lock box as part of it. i can only fit the Fob in, not he key as well but it means i can open the back of the defender up and leave the key there something like these Outdoor mini key safes UK | The Safe Shop
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    3 weeks for water ingress? maybe i was spoiled by the saltash guys but they had mine back to me in 4 days including a weekend for a leaky roof seal and i had a free (£7.60 insurance fee) courtesy XS for the duration.
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    A bar winch bumper, ensuring it is allowed?

    ok so as i am no entrucked and i have pretty much sorted my internal work (thread to follow) i am now looking to doing stuff to the outside of the vehicle one thing i do want to mount is a winch simply because it makes getting back up if i fall over a touch easier. i have seen this Defender...
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    Best options for external 90 van roll cage and transmission protection

    im presently starting to consider the modification i want to make to the exterior of my truck of the winter ready for laning and i have decided that i want an external roll cage for it. anyone have any information regarding any makes and places that FIT them as well. external only as this...
  13. P

    Defender90 drivers comfort modifications help.

    well id just like to say a big thanks for all your advice and help with this as it happens i am getting a much newer truck than i envisioned, a 9 month old 90 hardtop van with partial bulkhead removal as that is all that i needed. thanks to Paul at Rodger Young (Saltash) bringing his own truck...
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    Defender90 drivers comfort modifications help.

    you mean the center seat that could only have been designed for an amputee dwarf pigmy? yeah thats not an issue for me at all. regarding the bend. is it something that could be eased by a small pulley wheel to increase the radd of the turn? im guessing the location is underneath not on the...
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    Defender90 drivers comfort modifications help.

    retroanaconda. thanks for that. from someone with the mod done how is it comfort wise? does it create any negatives? and thanks again sandon. its a real help.
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    Defender90 drivers comfort modifications help.

    Thanks for that info sandon. out of interest do you know if a guard that is not easily removable is also noisy or is it simply the ones that are removable not being secured. i had not considered webbing. but thinking about it thats a good a good way to go assuming i can draw it tight enough to...
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    Defender90 drivers comfort modifications help.

    Well thanks for the replies. now its a case of hurry up and wait for probate my intended plan of action will be: 13 inch steering wheel total bulkhead removal with a P&P bar dog cage fitted to hold heavy diving items in the back. still deciding on the handbrake but that can be done at a...
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    Defender90 drivers comfort modifications help.

    AND i can see even through beer googles the upper shoulder level supports will be far too narrow for me. nice n shiny tho ok to reference. you know "that" big guy who wont fit in airline mid seats by about 3 inches on each side? yeah that me
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    Defender90 drivers comfort modifications help.

    thanks for that brown. as i have said im not going to replace the seats because of the one size fits no one approach to buckets. the diff end of the system would be untouched its just the lever end that will be changed in the event i actually go through with it ill ask a few people who are...
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    Defender90 drivers comfort modifications help.

    thanks for the replies. im thinking a PnP bar and a 13 inch wheel should sort me out quite nicely regarding internal cabin space with the possibility of adding "raisers" at a latter point if its not perfect regarding the handbrake. honestly im exceptionally broad of build. i remember feeling...