1. C


    Well thanks for your help any way, sounds like i should make a pot of tea then :)
  2. C


    Hi Keith, I take it you mean you pipe on the reservoir ?, and yes I have to keep topping it up every time I use it, as for the gauge it goes off the scale if driven for more than 20 minutes All the best Craig.
  3. C

    New to all of this !

    Hi Craig McC here, i see someone has put paddocks up but if your looking for second hand parts try john craddock, they are on the net all the best,
  4. C


    Hi Keith,thank for the welcom & the reply, i did check the water & the overflow is ok, my girl frend can hear steem but we can`t see a thing.all the best craig.
  5. C


    Hello every one, i need some help, my defender is over heating, i have checked the oil thats ok, and the pump is also good. i get a lot of steem in the cab. has any one had this problem