1. R

    Locking problem after battery change

    hi Been working away and got back to some problems with my P38.Firstly the battery,now that I've changed that and corrected all the faults I can't lock the car on the remote.Every thing else is ok it will lock with the key but I'm unsure as to the alarm system being mobilised,any help will be...
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    good rangie's

    :D:DHello Would like to say that whilst some rangies are problematic,mine is an absolute cracker.On a 97 plate 4.6 hse it has served me well,I hear quite a lot of negativity about rangie's but I would'nt have anything else.Give these monsters of the the road some respect, come the winter every...
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    New P38 owner

    Had my 97 4.6 hse for almost two and a half years,it's been serviced regulary and apart from two front air springs and the mandatory door lock problems I have to admit I wouldn't be without the old girl.One period of bad snow and you'll wish you had one years before.Good luck with your's and...
  4. R

    Regulator vacuum hose blanked off?

    Although land rover dont have the best technology in the world I personally dont believe in changing an engines pedigree,unless that is, you know better,and if you did you would'nt have bought one in the first place.I myself own a 97 hse 4.6 so what do I know.
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    Insurance Co thieves

    Thanks for all the feedback gents,at the moment Adrian Flux is the winning horse @ £420 but yet to confirm, so the fooker could still be shot in the stalls.Other than that i'll definately beat Dick Turpin.com cheers fellow sufferers.
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    Insurance Co thieves

  7. R

    Insurance Co thieves

    Has any one been lucky enough to find an insurance company that dosent use a mask and flintlock pistol as a sales pitch.Just got my quote for this year £568 for fully comp,no claims protected[7 years] with limited mileage of 3000,thats over £150 more than last year:eek: what did I do wrong? and...
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    Victory is mine[for now anyway ]

    :)Thanks for the help I recieved from our landyzone members during my epic struggle with my P 38.Im happy to announce that after changing the door lock mechanism plus rods my car finnally gave up and accepted the EKA.Just for good measure I also changed the window actuator and drivers door...
  9. R

    salvage yards for P38's

    Has anyone got an E mail address or phone numbers for good salvage yards concerning P38's.I'm looking for a drivers side door lock mechanism for a 97 4.6 hse,or better still has any one got a dead P38 and wants to break it.
  10. R

    Drivers door totally locked out

    Cheers Dean it looks like the only way is to smash the lock mechanism,is there any particular area to attack or do I just kick the s##t out of it all.tomcat thanks for your advise but I cant open the rear doors either.
  11. R

    Drivers door totally locked out

    No James cant open the door at all I can get in via the passenger door lower the window and pull the door card back to expose the lock but all manner of attack wont unlock it.Doug I think you could be on the right track,any ideas to get around it,i'm thinking the only way will have to be...
  12. R

    Drivers door totally locked out

    yeah thanks auto i've tried pulling all the levers and bars to no avail.I swear if you needed an impregnable safe then a range rover security system beats fort knox. Thanks for your imput though
  13. R

    Drivers door totally locked out

    :doh:Please.please can someone help,once again my RR 4.6 on a 97 plate has locked me out.I'm partially to blame I had a freind replace my dying battery whilst working away.unfortunetly he changed it as though it was a normal car,when I got home and tried to start it[you guessed it]it wanted the...
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    Air suspension

    Hello all I would like some info on changeing air bags on a P38 97 plate.My car sits low when left overnight and the sound of escaping air leads me to think I have a leak.Also doe's anyone know where to buy them at a reasonable price.Thanks.
  15. R

    Air bags

    Hi all, just need a bit of info on the difficulty on changeing an air bag.My 97 p38 has started to sit low when not used and the sound of escaping air leads me to suggest that one of the air bags has given up.How hard are they to change and wheres the best place to source them? THANKS ALL.
  16. R

    Door Lock Fault

    Hiya mate I had the same kind of problem last winter,it ended in me changeing the door lock mechanism[I put it down to 1 of the 3 micro switches inside]The good news is that I bought a unit second hand and it was the wrong part,if you get in touch i will send it to you if it matches yours.Its...
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    P38 Needed For TV Appearance

    Sorry I wouldn't let those clowns within a mile of my car.Seriously any one who has watched that programe must know the score,they're brain dead.
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    Fuel flap release solenoid

    Hi Ste, I would be more than happy to talk to your mate.thanks mate.
  19. R

    Fuel flap release solenoid

    Hi i'm on the lookout for a fuel flap release solenoid unit to accomadate a 97 4.6 range rover.If any one has one I will gladly take it of your hands at the right price.thanks.
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    P38 Radio

    I have a 97 4.6 hse rangie that has developed a problem with the LCD reading on the radio set screen.It causes me no real bother only the fact I cant read it properly.Question is, is it worth me replacing it with another unit or will i encounter the famous wrath of the range rover electrical...