1. T

    Gear ratios

    yeah, but it will pull anything and go anywhere. i wouldnt have thought there would be any problems with the gearbox as long as you dont abuse it. is this something i should be watching out for? fairly sure it had a v8 in it at some point, but they are incredibly thursty... i heard from someone...
  2. T

    Gear ratios

    Thanks very much, i think in the long run a different transfer box will be the right move. the previous owner has taught me not to put a price on doing things propperly, by the state of it when i purchased it. (Ebay) the way things are looking, i might be installing an overdrive of some...
  3. T

    Gear ratios

    Hello, i have purchased a landy series 2A which is an absolute beast, the engine has been replaced with a 3.5 litre Perkins diesel, instead of the origional V8 petrol. The new engine is a low revving engine, (which i believe came from a forklift) so the gear ratios are not very well suited. The...