1. M

    possible head gasket problem....

    i definately prefer being on the safer side with it, given the potential worst case scenario, cheers for the advice. do i need to be looking out for a specific type of garage or do i just ask around if they can do the test? and any rough guess of a price and how long? am i talking £1000 and a...
  2. M

    possible head gasket problem....

    i am afraid i am almost ashamed to admit it has at least recently only exclusively done short journeys! it is a bit of a chelsea tractor for us, which annoys me when people moan! we just wanted a big, very nice car - it fits the bill!! anyway, yes - lately we have only been running across town...
  3. M

    possible head gasket problem....

    hi guys, so firstly, again thanks for everyones help so far, much appreciated. update...... between the weather and work today was the first chance i had to get out there, just left it off the road and used the other car for now. have removed the clip for the hose and cleaned around the...
  4. M

    possible head gasket problem....

    EXCELLENT advice and good point about the reasoning too. definately a spurt from that throttle housing inlet, but definately also bubbling and slight leak from that far corner of the rocker cover, there was steam from wherever the water was hitting though as you say - i think it was manifold...
  5. M

    smoke coming out of engine bay p38

    i think i have the same thing, living in hope while i wait for a guru here to comment on my pics, i was dreading blown head gasket but am getting a little more hopeful now i've read this! cheers!
  6. M

    possible head gasket problem....

    Hi everyone, Newbie here, I've had a read around as much as I could find that might be related before I ask, and have to say this looks like a great forum in general and for a few other tiny niggles with the car (new key fob and now i know why the cruise control stopped working last week when...