1. hossboss

    Help with my V8 Discovery

    Hi turns out i had not bled the cooling system had an air lock but all is well now. The new Thermostat has helped with the heating during the last 2 weeks all`s well and ends well many thanks for your input..
  2. hossboss

    Help with my V8 Discovery

    Hi looks like you were right bled cooling system and fingers crossed all is ok car heater working very well and no loss of coolant many thanks
  3. hossboss

    Help with my V8 Discovery

    Thanks for replys, have flushed complete cooling system, replaced thermostat, replaced thermostat housing gasket, bled the cooling system, and fingers crossed no more coolant out through the header tank cap.
  4. hossboss

    Help with my V8 Discovery

    Many thanks I work for Euro Car Parts and my first job Today is to get a Quote for all the parts I am going to need for the Job I have a couple of mates with there own workshop they are not looking forward to doing the Job but will do it for me at Mates Rates so it looks like the Job is on some...
  5. hossboss

    Help with my V8 Discovery

    Hi you sound like the kind of person that knows what they are talking about can you recommend what I should also have done when I am having the head gasket done. Many thanks
  6. hossboss

    Help with my V8 Discovery

    Hi thanks for all your input I have been putting it out of my mind that its the head gasket as I am not looking forward to having the pay to have the work done the car has cost me that much in the last year I just cant afford not to get it fixed but in for a penny in for a pound. Looks like i...
  7. hossboss

    Help with my V8 Discovery

    Hi I have a 1998 Landrover Discovery V8i (LPG) converted Over the last couple of weeks I have had a problem with the coolant. The Vehicle tends to pressurize and forces coolant out of the cap on the header tank. I have tried to solve my problems by having my car checked at a garage to see if...
  8. hossboss

    Hi from a happy V8 Discovery owner....

    Hi Im new to this I am looking for some help in a couple of areas around my 1998 Landrover Discovery 3.9 V8i hope i can find it in here looking forward to using the site.