1. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    right guys...i took the prop off again last night...running in two wheel drive again...no noise, silky soft steering etc..... on inspection of the prop/bearings etc... the vcu bearings, one off them does look slightly askew on the vci shaft..... top to bottom i reckon its a few mill...
  2. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    went to my local indipendant lr garage again today. (without car,just to chat) told him i suspected vcu bearings and asked weather they pressed and pulled bearings or just used hammers etc.... they said they used hammers. they said they didnt want the job because they could easily damage the...
  3. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    i see...ill take a look tomorrow when i get home from work... if the 10mm bolts are sat off centre (over to one side of the elongated slots) but theyre square and bothe bearings are set like this, would it matter ? also, if the bearings are sat tight on the vcu and i want to move both bearings...
  4. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    dang it, just when i thought id spotted somthing worthy of a bit of finger pointing and blame..... saying that, in the bottom pic ive posted, the left hand bearing does look a little cock eyed ? ill do what you say hippo, ive set some lube on the 10mm bolts for the bearings, tried to slacken em...
  5. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    right guys.... ive been under neath it this morning.... on close examination of the vcu bearings i think i may have identified the fault. im gonna try and post a picture below, basically what it should show is..... on the shaft of the vcu there appears to be a stopper cast into the shaft, what...
  6. M

    Possible recon VCU problem

    hi nick, i realise this thread was awhile ago, but im having prop/vcu problems and would like to investigate this issue your talking about...however, a picture really would help immensly as im struggling to grasp what your tryong to explain...... i really wanna check it out...so please, if you...
  7. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    thanks for your comments, it does help.... kind of..hahha a missaligned vcu bearing is a real possibilty i guess..... should they be pressed on or is the usuall knocking on acceptable ? if i remove my prop will i liekly be able to remove and remfit the vcu bearings myself or is it somthing...
  8. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    ill try and get it up on blocks of some sort at the weekend............:doh:
  9. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    the garage i sopke to today not only gave me the impression, they told me straight, they didnt want the job..... "pain in the arse mate" "process of illimination,expensive, still may not get rid of noise after all work...." todays the first time i spoke to this garage, thought id get the opinion...
  10. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    yep mate, you did say it.... not sure thats what the problem is, but im willing to try it due to the relativley low cost....... i cant understand how it could be a wheel bearing... surley to god it would continue to make the noise whether the prop is on or off regardless..... surley ?? now...
  11. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    right...... give us your opinion on this one. i know what conclusion i came to, but im happy to here yours. i called in to speak to an indipendant land rover speacialaist today...... told them the whole story..... the guy there said, they had a guy in with a very simialr problem. he provided...
  12. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    thanks, ill check at my first opertunity... :)
  13. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    yes, the prop vcu bearings look to be pretty much 90 degrees to the prop... how acuraate doe this need to be ? are we talking set squares out here ???hahha the bearing in the diff.... is that a diff out job and split open affair or something that can be done it situ with the prop removed ...
  14. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    scuse my ignorance nick... is the pinion and crown wheel in the ird or the dif, or both ? hahha if there is a bearing in the rear dif where the prop plugs in (is that the pinion bearing your talking about?) i could reckon it to be that making the noise... but does this part spin/turn when prop...
  15. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    this is obvoulsy, mega interesting....... so what, are you just living with the noise again ? did you hammer on or press your bearings onto the vcu or prop ? (as asked in another post) can any one else say why this would happen. i do feel my noise could well be the vcu support bearings too, but...
  16. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    dont know if they were pressed or hammered on, the garage did them... ird was overhauled by them too, all the bearings inside renewed, gearing etc..was fine... they're a proper and reputable gearbox speacialist so i guess they know what they're doing... why dont i take it back your asking ...
  17. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    hippo, so to t=get them blocks under the car i take it you just jack up one corner at a time and slide those bad boys in under the chassis somewhere ? and ive just binned two whopping great 4x12" joists out aswell....:banana:
  18. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    no my mate, wish it was somthing so obvious.....:(
  19. M

    ok, my vcu is fine, so whats its beef ???

    wont be a wheel bearing hippo, surley... ? removing the prop would make no differannce to a duff wheel bearing, it would make noise regardless wouldnt it ?? i myself suspect the rear diff or the vc bearings. im not sure how i can check the vc bearings either except for play...? they were...