1. B

    Funny Noise

    Jerry, I'm female but not stupid! No its not aircon, its actually noisier with window shut, as when you stick you head outa da window at a ton, cant hear for the wind rush? MONDO: yes finished nails, pmt,cooking cleaning etc. Cant give any other details, as nothing else happening, just makes da...
  2. B

    Funny Noise

    Hi, my freelander td4 seems to be making a hissing noise when I excelerate. Its not leaking, no lack of power or performance, so does anyone have any idea what may be wrong? Have taken to garage, but when still, damn car wont make the noise!! PLEASE HELP??? :eek:
  3. B

    New to Forum

    Widget, Quiet as a mouse, fast as a 3 legged donkey, no hisses, no tantrum, just pure luck I lifted the lid this morning to check the black stuff!! Normal power, normal noise, normal green thing.:confused: just oil where there should be water!! Not leaked either.
  4. B

    New to Forum

    Thank you, and my mad house also started today, with black oil/grease in coolant expansion tank, oh the joys!!:eek:
  5. B

    Urgent Help Required

    Urgent help required PLEASE!! I have a TD4 with coolant expansion tank 3/4 full of what looks like black greasy oil, looks like black thick grease. How the hell did it get there, and where's the coolant gone. No loss of power, no overheating (yet), no nasty emissions when tested for h/g...
  6. B

    New to Forum

    Hi, my name is becky, I own a nice (well, it was nice until this morning) Freelander TD4 in green. :D