1. E

    Knocking noise below 1000rpm??

    Incase anyone has this problem in the future, the result of this strange noise was a bearing in the tensioner pullie. panic over!
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    Knocking noise below 1000rpm??

    I started up my p38 this morning to be greeted with a knocking noise which is pretty loud. :( The noise is only present when below 1000 rpm and as soon as above that it goes completely and sounds completely normal. I have no loss of power and no other symptoms other than the...
  3. E

    Best color for P38 Range Rover

    Good man, you will not be disappointed!
  4. E

    F%#king parking ticket!!

    yeah your right and if it was still the origianal fee of £45.00 then i would bat an eye lid but when iam being charged double because i didnt get the first letter...that ****es me off. The reason iam posting up to find out if anyone knows of a way out or any suggestions is because i dont...
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    F%#king parking ticket!!

    Yeah, i think you got a point...it wouldnt make any odds to them if it was recorded...it was one a busy enough street so there probably will be cameras... I was hoping they might not be bothered persuing me if they had to start digging around for evidence... What do you think? Then again...
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    F%#king parking ticket!!

    Do they take pictures of all the tickets they put up? TBH i was parked in the worng place but just trying my hardest not to pay it...give them enough money as it is...
  7. E

    F%#king parking ticket!!

    I got a letter through last month saying i had recieved a parking ticket and this was my second letter. (the first one i had recieved) I got another letter today saying they are going to take me to court or arrest me blah blah blah if i dont pay up, now £90.00 :eek:.:doh: My first complaint...
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    Claiming a car??

    If You recieve the V5 from the DVLA, will this not update the police records as said person? Presuming thats how the police source that information. if not then any second hand car could be seen as stolen if you got pulled over... The actual driver of a car maynot be the actual owner...
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    Claiming a car??

    Good Point, its a p38, surely it would have been paid off by now!?....Maybe. A little mixed in responce then....think i will see if the garage is willing to apply for it, problem being is they will no doubt try and sell it at a daft price....If i do the paper work and then turn up with the V5...
  10. E

    Claiming a car??

    Cheers Mate, Gotta head off for now, will have a look later a the email, thanks for all the help everyone. Just out of curiousity, aside from the 944 guy has any one else been through this process??
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    Claiming a car??

    Nah you got it right, I had that thought aswell when i read that post. i picked it up to mean that if you apply, DVLA will attempt to contact them and if they dont reply the ownership will be passed over... I could be wrong aswell..?? As you say, it does sound a little flawed..
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    Claiming a car??

    Exellent, Have you got any idea what the waiting period is? Iam guessig dvla will this send a notification letter to the previous owner?
  13. E

    Claiming a car??

    Well i sold a Landy a while ago and sent away the dockys, i recently got a letter through saying that someone had requested the dockys so i asume they never got to the DVLA...anyway, in the letter it said something like, if i didnt reply within a certin period the dockys would be sent to the...
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    Claiming a car??

    My understanding is that it went in for some repairs and he never came back, the bill is apparently quite substanial. Iam guessing he didnt feel like paying and left it...
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    Claiming a car??

    No idea where that is. But if there is one there aswell maybe this could be a nice business clearing unwated cars out of garages??:cool:
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    Claiming a car??

    Will the garage not have to go through the same process?? Iam asuming the garage will have the right to sell it on by now?
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    Claiming a car??

    P38, the bodys not very good but iam after a cheap engine and spares.
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    Claiming a car??

    Apologies, its a RangeRover, my mistake.
  19. E

    Claiming a car??

    Iam trying to find information on the possibilities of claiming a car. Does anyone have any information or know if this is possible? I know of a landrover that is sitting at a garage, the guy left it there to get repaired two years ago and never came back for it. Maybe the repair cost was...
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    P38 oil pressure light and rubbing/grinding noise

    Hey guys, Noticed the oil pressure light on whilst driving along (pretty sure it just came on, iam pretty good about watching the dash and temp guage) I pulled over the second i seen in and switched the engine off. Checked the oil level after a few mins and was spot on. Switched it back...