1. C

    Faulty Lucas Hazard switches (SPB312) - Beware....

    Hi all, ages since I've been on here but as I couldn't find anything I thought I'd pop up a post. I recently bought 2 Lucas Hazard Light switches for the '96 Defender. They were both faulty - both sides were perminantly linked so indicate either way and both sides flash. Seller happily...
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    Trundling all day in low 1st gets smokey in my 300tdi

    Always hoped that following the slow trundle with a motorway run under load (normally towing and loaded to the headlining!) would burn off any buildup before it did any harm, but I havn't looked into the science of glazing bores up so maybe I am kidding myself??? Few times a year but sometimes...
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    Trundling all day in low 1st gets smokey in my 300tdi

    I just don't understand why a belt driven device can need a fast jolt to get it going, surely that can only happen if the belt is slipping? I'd have to read up on that (or take it into my local friendly LR specialist). Wouldn't the timing being out show at high speed too?
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    Trundling all day in low 1st gets smokey in my 300tdi

    ~204k on the clock, had wandered about holding the temp but it generally drives normally well. Only other thing I didn't mention whenever I start it this altinator light stays on until I give it a 2-3sec hi gh rev. During other works I had a meter on the headlight switch and still got 10.5v...
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    Trundling all day in low 1st gets smokey in my 300tdi

    I'm sure this overlaps with other threads but can't find quite what I'm looking for so - opinions please. 3 or 4 times a year I help out at events or setup on sites which often inolves me trundling around in my 110SW 300Tdi ('96) in low range 1st / 2nd (site safety 5mph speed limits, avoiding...
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    Search Function 'Error'

    Not as full functioned as the main search function and features some teadius google ads at the top but feel free to use this search for urgent matters until the IT gods bless us with a proper solution - https://cse.google.co.uk/cse/publicurl?cx=007814693631234014867:k6x93jerstw
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    Bearmach or Britpart Roofrack

    I already have a set of bars I use. Im looking for a rack to make it easier to load Bikes etc. (a defender roof is a long way up to balance Bikes from the ground, I need the rack to stand on) Thanks anyway
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    Radio problems

    The radio is a wonderfull indicator of problems in the electrical systems. It could be a lack of supression or similar on the radio feed but it if its related to headlights it could be a earth issue or altinator or battery. Alternatively - what has been added (non-standard) to the wiring, what...
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    Bearmach or Britpart Roofrack

    OK so mentioning Britpart is like swearing but every so often they do have the answer. I was seriously considering the Britpart roofrack for my 110 (DA1090, flatpack). It is light at only 31kg and is only needed for carrying Bikes and occational long lengths (along with a convieniant mounting...
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    I reallise that, it comes from the government website as per the address bar carefully left in the screengrab to show the source. It wasn't supposed to be a criticism of the original link, just another govenment admin failure (though the official testers handbook is also available in pdf from...
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    Or think they are going to get business from the repairs! The works van tends to go to one of those "production line" type while you wait stations. It failed on a leaky CV boot and a windscreen wiper (things they had in stock to offer same day repair and pass) but at the end of it all still...
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    But when did the Engine mounts become part of the Towbar??? Or the Speedo for that matter! EDIT-- To clarrify incase the address bar in the pic above is to small for some people, the pic is of VOSAs own web page not the document linked by the OP.
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    Mystery connectors under centre seat

    I'm going to see how far I can trace it when I fit the cubby (hoping this weekend) but I have had my head down through the access hatch and cant see any sign of where it splits off again, it doesn't have very far to go before the whole loom pops up in the fuse box region at which point things...
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    Mystery connectors under centre seat

    Well at least I know its not just me being stupid. I hope someone can trace the round one sometime, it definately looks like it belongs to the loom rather than a diy add on so I can't understand why no-one else seems to have one.
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    Mystery connectors under centre seat

    If by "work" you mean goes off when it feels like, and needing to arm and disarm it 3 times to get the imobiliser let me start then I've just become posh :D:D Guess the fuse and the round connector will remain unknown.
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    Mystery connectors under centre seat

    Sorry about the slow response, had a bit of family issue I had to jump on unexpectedly. It was sold to me as with imobiliser but no alarm. The first time I opened it without zaping the "imobiliser" (I was only geting something out of the boot) the horn and alarm started blaring! Susspect it...
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    Mystery connectors under centre seat

    I thought I had the mounted rectangular one sorted - it sunds like it is for the diognostics machine but only links to the alarm / imobiliser as far as I know (I assume hence only 3 pins used) to allow the data read off. The guy definately went under the seat recently when he programmed up a...
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    Mystery connectors under centre seat

    I'll get pics up as soon as I work out why the servers just chopped them off my OP.
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    Mystery connectors under centre seat

    Hi, So not as yet come up against any real problems fitting cubby box in '97 110 300TDi Defender but I have got a couple of mystries to solve: There is a multipin (with ony 3 wires attached) connector attached to the rail along the front of the seat (which I thought was the port for linking...
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    Whats this for?

    Cheers guys, so I can just ignore it (or even use it as a tell tail for something else)? I assume the wiring hooked to the back is just part of a standard loom and goes no where at the other end then?