1. P

    90 back on the road.

    My trusted 90 is back to being road legal and the disco now sits on the drive awaiting its fate. Not sure what to do with it so it does not become a shed for the front garden. Ideas welcome as are requests for parts off of it.
  2. P

    Insurance for Defenders

    AA - £190 a year. A meerkat told me about it.
  3. P

    auto diesel defender?

    Cheers guys, i will give it a go once i have worked out how to keep the fluid in the power steering box and not all over the drive.
  4. P

    auto diesel defender?

    Sound s like I should give it a go, thanks!
  5. P

    auto diesel defender?

    Hello everyone I have a 300tdi auto disco and am thinking about putting the engine and gearbox in my 90, anyone ever done it or can think of a reason not to?