1. R

    3.9 V8i low power and missing on different fuel

    Hi again!. Here is an update for you helpful people. Because of work commitments and general near Christmas business, I only got a chance to give the Discovery a once over today. This is what I did and what I found. I checked a few easy things first, to check and access.......all were...
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    3.9 V8i low power and missing on different fuel

    Great, thanks. I will give all the above mentioned a try as soon as i get home from work in 5 days time. I will let you know how I go!
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    3.9 V8i low power and missing on different fuel

    Nathan, No I havent as yet changed the plugs and leads. I Did think of this as an option, but I thought that if there was a problem there, the symptoms would be the same all the time. I did however, remove the plugs, cleaned and checked the spark gaps. All seemed OK to me. Do you think I...
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    3.9 V8i low power and missing on different fuel

    Hi Landyzone, I am a new member today and this is my first ever post! I have a 1998 Disco series 1, 3.9 V8i Auto. I have had this vehicle for about 2 years now and has been a great car. I have a problem which has crept into the mix slowly over the last few months and is frustrating. My...