1. V

    1970 IIA probs?

    hello all, firstly a question thats probably easy to most people ( but not me ) you know the red and black 12v power feed on the dash board? does anyone have a set of the progs you shove in to use the power supply or know where i can get them or even the correct name as i have been trying to...
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    2A clutch problems

    hello all i am in desperate need of help with my series 2A, 2 1/4 diesel. every now and then i will be driving along changine gear and all of a sudden i have no drive at all, i try the clutch and change gears but nothing, ive tried sticking it in 4 wheel drive but nothing, ive changed into low...
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    Soundproofing your Series

    from the short time ive had my series IIA i would say you can hear bangs and clonks, espeially of parts falling off even with a noisy stereo on!
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    Warn freewheel hub advice

    thanks alot, will repack with a decent grease when i get round to fitting them onto my IIA mark
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    Warn freewheel hub advice

    i have checked them over and the bearings etc seem good. i just wanted to know if the freewheeling hub units themselves should be fully packed with grease or oil. looking at the axle they came off im thinking that the seals had gone and oil had leaked through from the axle? any ideas
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    Warn freewheel hub advice

    hello all, i recently inherited a pair of warn freewheeling hubs for my series IIA, i have cleaned them up as they wernt very nice externally, but can someone please tell me, should they be packed with grease or have oil in them. they were fitted to an old front axle and both had oil inside when...
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    Anybody bought the Land Rover Phone yet?

    it was a shop in darlington, cant remember the name, will look on the bill when i get home tonight and put details on. they said they wernt popular as they didnt have all the " extra features " everyone now wants, sounds more like more crap to break down like on modern cars, i'll stick wiv old...
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    Anybody bought the Land Rover Phone yet?

    i bought a brand new landrover S1 phone in the sales on boxing day, sim free for £145:eek: i need a tough phone and knowing how good these are ( a mate has got one, hes dropped it in the lake where he works got it out 20 minutes later n wipped the mud off its fine, driven over it with his...
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    2A rotten parts!

    hello again, are they only rivetted on? if so then thats easier than i thought, i was thinkin the whole rear body had to come off to weld new one is. where is the best place to get parts like this? anyone know of a good friendly spot in north yorkshire? many thanks
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    2A rotten parts!

    hi all, i have finally managed to find a series 2a that i could afford and have got it home. i knew it needed the drivers side floor sorting but as there are parts there to replace i thought i can weld those in. the prob now is i have got right underneath and found 2 what i thought were cross...
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    hello from vespanutuk ( me )

    Ah, but is it actually a 12 bore? Ah've got an old Linsley Bros hammerless s/s that was built around the 1880's or 90's, black powder jobbie and is measured at 13 and 14 'bore'..... also an old belgian s/s hammer jobbie that's pretty fecked, an old old single hammer jobbie that was made around...
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    hello from vespanutuk ( me )

    you maybe cant read the patch on my arm but it sayz " the republic of yorkshire " and thats how it shud be:beer2:
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    hello from vespanutuk ( me )

    to all, i aint gotta clue wot make that there shotgun iz, it were found in a hessian sack in a barn and found its way into my possesion, itz ancient, a precusion cap type 12 bore. not my usual gun, thats a very tasty AYA 12 bore, i also have sveral very nice old rifles and a more modern air...
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    hello from vespanutuk ( me )

    hay lads, i wasnt in emmerdale but a couple ov me friends were the gun is ancient, not the one i usually use but its a nice un. the dogs crackerz !
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    hello from vespanutuk ( me )

    he and greetings all. please dont view py picture and think i am a gangster or some nutcase, im not! i now have a full beard and longer hair and dont look so mental i have been interested in old landys along time but never been able to buy one. im still looking for an old one, 60's or early...