1. B

    sprung dilemma

    :eek: :confused: HI! I have been given a full set of seven leaf leaf springs (seven leafs on both front's and back springs) I think they are from a lightweight (or air transportable if you prefer!) and are in very good nick. I was wondering if they would fit my standard 1983, series 3 swb petrol...
  2. B

    incontinent landy

    :) I had this with my series 3 turns out it was the Radiator cap needed replacing, the smoke on start-up is probably due to condensation or worn valve seals quite common on this type of vehicle. the first thing I would do is put an expansion tank on as the water from the radiator and block run...
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    spung dillema

    :eek: HI! everyone I have a question for all you Land buffs! I have been given a full set of leaf springs (seven leafs on both front's and back's) they are in top condition, the only problem is my ex histing springs are 9 leafs on the front's and 14 on the back's. my land...