1. M

    TD5 Hand Brake problem!

    Hi all, I had the exact same problem with my 1999 discovery td5 Manual. Would strart and run fine but the radio would cut out and come back on also the hand brake was getting hot. The Problem turned out to be a bad earth to the body. Fixed the bad earth and also added an earth cable from...
  2. M

    Diesel in the engine oil

    Hi all I have just change the injector seals on my 1999 td5 discovery as i started to find the oil level to creep up, the job went well thanks to reading what shifty had put in a thread a while back. But now one week on i have found that the oil has started to creep back up again... The only...
  3. M

    Engine oil

    cheers for that..
  4. M

    Engine oil

    Hi all Would like some advice on what would be the best engine oil to use in my 1999 td5 discovery. It has done 105000 miles.