1. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    thanx 4 accepting the apoligy (sorry cant spell today) id love 2 if i could but i cant sweet lol the prices only just cover costs as it is!!! I am sorry tho its just so much presure as this is my parents only income as they moved over there 2 do this and i really want it to work for them. The...
  2. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    look guys im sorry that i said that it just seems that all im getting is bad feed back and maybe its me looking in the worng places or being too pushy. i didn't realise that i wasn't allowed to post stuff on here and that i had to pay to. Its me havin a girly moment its just that im trying to...
  3. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    sorry guys just been having a life i guess. Look i came on here to let other people like my family who have a passion bout 4x4's know bout our off road centre not to get crap off some old bitter guys. Good luck with everything ive got PR to do so if ur interested u know the web address and if ur...
  4. N

    Hi folks

    hay sweet, my light weight is called blue bird too lol it has the badge off some ova car i was stealing bits off lol
  5. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    I really hope ur not being serious cos if we're going by sterio types you lot are boaring old men with beards who have battered old 4x4's and stand round talking bout the good old days and rather than take up a challenge and show what their 4x4 could do just blabber on bout what they used to he...
  6. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    i guess the last bit of body u got to work on was a bit of body work lol really guys????
  7. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    for your information i've lost loads of weight and if u think i look silly in that you should see what u guys look like!!!!! lol Any way thats 5 years old
  8. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    yep i think so if u speak to my dad on the web site Welcome to fwdfwd.com he can sort something out for u im sure
  9. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    sorry guys just tryin to plug the company need a bit of compatition on the off road course!!!! Its about 100 pounds for two days on the 40 acre off road course including two nights in a bed and breakfast. obviousely u can do more and its all pretty good value 4 money cos we're doing this cos we...
  10. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    :) look on website Welcome to fwdfwd.com and we'd love to give u a quote for example for 2 night on the 40 acre off road course and two nights b+b its 100 pounds. Its great my lightweight loves it!!!!!
  11. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    That sounds like a gr8 idea so gr8 that we've done it. If however u wish to contact us and we can be of any help for a days off roading we have a beautiful off road course with rough and easy routes which is in normandy and there are some lovely green lanes u could take tours to. its Welcome to...
  12. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    Lads please behave! It aint about my bodywork its about the landy's! Go on a holiday there and you never know i might be there! you lot make me blush!!!
  13. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    Thanx 4 the message we live in normandy and have a 4x4 off road centre. We have an off road course and workshop ect. Why not have a look at our website and you could maybe use the facilities on the way down. drop us a note or to my email nemily@hotmail.co.uk.
  14. N

    We risked everything for our love of landys!

    yep but ring first so we can get lots in
  15. N

    We risked everything for our love of landys!

    you can go for just an ower if you like or just drop in for a beer and that costs nowt
  16. N

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    y not try www.fwdfwd.com its my mum and dad they can help with off roading in normandy:)
  17. N

    We risked everything for our love of landys!

    :) Im a 20 yr old girl and ive been raised on landrovers! We've had loads and never put a good one down! My parents have moved to france to start up a landrover business because after many heated chats about the bits of Landrover on the drive Dad decided that if he moved to france he could have...