1. A

    seat choice

    Thanks, they look good, and there should be plenty about.Sorted.
  2. A

    seat choice

    I,m still finding my way round the forum, I didn't know where you would read it.Gimme a break.Or maybe two. I'm still lookin for qwerty on me keeboard.
  3. A

    seat choice

    thanks I'll ave a look
  4. A

    What would be a 1st mod to a Suzuki SJ?

    No seriously, put it back in it's original box,and sell it on E.bay. Along with the other toys.
  5. A

    What would be a 1st mod to a Suzuki SJ?

    mount it on a nice piece of wood, and use it as a novelty ash tray, then go and save a series landrover.
  6. A

    seat choice

    Hi folks, this is my first question as a newbie,and I would welcome any info and pics on this subject. I can now see a very small light at the end of a very long tunnel, and I'm wondering what seats, with headrests, would fit my nearly finished series2 1961 swb pickup. thanks
  7. A

    help at hand?

    yea, dont you remember me?, you were the headmaster!
  8. A

    help at hand?

    hi i'am brand new to forums,i have been doing a ground up rebuild of my series 2,Alf, for the last 2 1/2 years, and i really need some inspiration from some likeminded nutters, and hopefully i can also help someone else with my limited knowledge. here,s to a long and fruitfull relationship.;)