1. P

    Disco 2 alarm

    Car Battery or key fob battery?
  2. P

    Disco 2 alarm

    Morning folks, I have a 98 Disco 2 and without any reason ( car locked) the alarm went of this morning. The doors unlock/lock normally with the remote, the engine starts ( not immobilised) in fact everything works normally except the siren won't stop unless I disconnect the battery Grrrrrrrr If...
  3. P

    300 tdi windows (again) sigh.....

    Problem solved after working thru the wiring diagram - rogue earth!! Mods - feel free to remove this thread
  4. P

    300 tdi windows (again) sigh.....

    Yes I have the green security box with both plugs connected to it underneath. Here is the random plug socket.....
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    300 tdi windows (again) sigh.....

    Hi Folks, I have a 97 Plate 300 tdi with window woes, let me begin! I had intermittent window operation for a while when they finally gave up with the rear windows stuck down. After some googling and research everything pointed to the window lift PCB and sure enough there was the burning...
  6. P

    disco sloppy gear lever

    I had exactly the same and the nylon bush (item22) had disintegrated and left the gear stick like a pr**k in a bowler hat. New bush and she's a good 'un now.
  7. P

    300tdi Steering Problem

    Thank you sir! I have managed to adjust most of the free play out of the steering box but clearly the lock in either direction should be roughly equal, back to the drawing board.......:confused:
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    300tdi Steering Problem

    Brill, thanks for that, I have since found a pdf copy of Rave which tells me exactly how to centre the steering box blah blah which I have now done etc. However I still have an anomoly which Rave doesn't cover. With everything centred and set up as per the book, I have exactly 2 full turns...
  9. P

    300tdi Steering Problem

    Thanks for the tip, I have already done that and all the lost motion is definitely at the steering box, just trying to establish what is a normal/acceptable amount. Ideally somebody with a 300tdi will go and wobble their steering column shaft and give me an idea how much free play they have! at...
  10. P

    300tdi Steering Problem

    Morning guys, I have a problem with my steering appreciate any help/prev knowledge. A lot of free play has suddenly appeared! There is perhaps about 4 inches free movement in either direction from the top of the steering wheel before any roadwheel movement. Its the same with the engine...
  11. P

    1997 300TDi Discovery Breaking

    Hiya, I am loking for air con pipe(s) that run from back of compressor past the side of the battery and through the grill toward condensor, are they still there/intact? Cheers
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    Whine noise

    Probably not related at all but I had something similar on mine and was convinced it was something to do with transfer/gearbox and changed oils etc before I accidentally grabbed the propshaft and found a very floppy U/J!
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    Disco leak

    I spotted a leak running down inside of rear tyre on my 300tdi and after popping wheel off foiund slave cylinder covered in oil and so cleaned off replaced seals etc and put back together with no apparent leaks and all dry and dandy. 2 days later its back again and brake components dry, it is...
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    300tdi fuel woes

    Pleased to say that the source was eventually identified. It transpires the screech and fuel problems were just coincidental and not related at all. Fuel probs solved by filter change! While investigating screech I discovered both diffs dry and both swivel pin housings. As i resigned myself...
  15. P

    Whats my Cluncking????

    I just had similar with some other issues. It turned out to be a universal joint on the propshaft, yours may not be but its easy to check to rule out. Just get underneath and give it a pull but dont forget it moves sideways as well as up and down. Good luck
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    300tdi fuel woes

    Thanks for your thoughts guys, Travelling now for 6 days but checking oils etc was exactly what I planned to do when I get back. Also have access to rolling road for diagnosis. Gut feeling has shifted toward a release bearing, will report back the eventual solution for others benefit. Safe...
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    300tdi fuel woes

    Thanks guys, after some more investigation today I too am convinced now its not fuel related as its running great apart from the screech! Latest clues! Not present in Neutral under any rpm, wether coasting or static. Present in all 5 forward gears worse at lower rpm, dissapears by 60mph. Not...
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    300tdi fuel woes

    I have a 300tdi and recently the fuel was allowed to run low...resulted in poor/stuttery acceleration. Changed the filter and all was well again. Foolishly the fuel state was allowed to get low again (motorway petrol station run out!) and same result! I had no option but to press on until I...