1. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Update. Firstly, I thought I had sealed up most leaks (sunroof etc). Working at passenger seat I had lifted up carpet and lent on the foam and water leaked out. I cut the foam out to dry (it was soaked). The floor pan was starting to rot. That moisture when heated could go up to the...
  2. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Many thanks. Top people. Top forum
  3. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Thanks again guys. Some wiring to check for sure and Discool, you are really cool; I would have been starting from scratch without your input. BTW the left hand seat does nothing with any combination of doors or ignition positions. That seat has not moved in at least 10 years ( but I cleaned the...
  4. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Many thanks. Brilliant. When I get home with more tools I will delve in. Cheers
  5. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    My seats do not do as the handbook or your image state. The seat only moves with door open.
  6. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Thanks again. Just checked; driver's seat only moves with door open not with door closed and key in position 1 or 2. Not sure if that is normal. Like you I have hardly ever moved seats in fact only found this out when I went to recline the seat for a nap
  7. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Thanks for confirming my recollection of ECU linked to windows. Thanks for letting me know ECU has nothing to do with seats. I am not trying to fix window; fixed every one before (even made new 'bushes' for glass to sissor mechanism and every door catch before, so going to have a break there...
  8. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Yes, but this is not a switch issue as they have been cleaned and electricity is getting to motors (on RHS). LHS is a different matter. Why the rear window only goes down sometimes... plus the seat electrics... plus the amount of rainwater that used to get inside... Led me to think ECU could be...
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    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Thanks for that.
  10. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Motor raises seat now. Implies it was dirty brushes? No dropping off seat. Will test voltage to motor another time. Photos attached. or maybe not. Motor
  11. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    I think it is the motor. I have taken it out and apart. Cleaned brushes and spins better. Will fit and post a fix or not plus some photos if I can.
  12. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    Have disconnected motor that drives up and down part. With the two cables disconnected the motor spins ONE way. With cables connected motor does not spin. Lack of volts? Busted motor? Now trying to get to wires to get motor out and on a bench.
  13. T

    Electric seats, 300tdi- have searched

    1996 ES 300tdi So, having found info on here about switches I dismantled and cleaned. No joy. Driver seat only moves with door open. Clue or designed that way? But up/down simply produces 'clicking noise' underneath seat now. (The seat did lower a second ago) Tilt and fore and aft work ok...
  14. T

    How much is my Series LR worth

    Thank you. Via other websites I can see that S2 landrovers, but having been made to look like S3 (it has S3 gearbox too) go for up to £7k and above (if tax exempt) and if in good condition. So all I have to do is spray it, drop a new engine in (I have one). Or keep it for fun days. The...
  15. T

    How much is my Series LR worth

    Anyone likely to be looking to buy a landrover will be looking for a bargain and therefore less likely to give an honest opinion, so moving it here is questionable. I am not trying to sell it. I am trying to find out if it is worth selling or better to start using it again. It has been...
  16. T

    How much is my Series LR worth

    It is time to sell my old Series 2. Log book series 2, but looks like series 3 inside and out. Reluctant sale, but cannot see me using it again. Used to get me to and from work and give me fun on gentle off road tracks and in winter it was fantastic. Re-built from the chassis up. Always wax...
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    How much is my Series LR worth

  18. T

    Auto stalled - very WEIRD

    Found that the main earth (from battery to chassis and inner wing) was only just touching the clamp that holds it. I re-secured it and HEY ! all my low voltage problems are gone (see other posts) - I now get 14.2V constant charging. Woopee. Next test will be to run engine, then take the...
  19. T

    what is this with heatsink?

    Yes, you are quite right. Luckily the guys I bought LEDs from sold me a constant current and voltage driver for £10. No matter what happens elsewhere on vehicle, the 12.7 volts is 'changed' to 3.3V and 30mA with no variation. As I said most impressed with their customer service - I...
  20. T

    what is this with heatsink?

    You are right of course about drls going off when lights come on and someone showed me a place on the web showing the legal info - blooming miles long document. BUT I have seen so many cars with drls on and headlights including a new mercedes the other day that I'm just taking power from the...