1. bigjohn1

    cheap ass glow plugs.... HELP PLEASE

    Nice one mike pleased you got it sorted :):)
  2. bigjohn1

    cheap ass glow plugs.... HELP PLEASE

    No problem mate :) like i said if you get stuck give me a call and i will run through it again with you.
  3. bigjohn1

    cheap ass glow plugs.... HELP PLEASE

    Pm me your home number mate and i will call you and sort it out
  4. bigjohn1

    cheap ass glow plugs.... HELP PLEASE

    Not sure if this helps BUT i have just gone down the same road with my disco. Spent 7 hours getting it up and running and the problem was the valves not closing proper. When you take the head off and refit it the gap between the rocker and valve changes. I then set them up again and it started...
  5. bigjohn1

    300tdi Overheating on Motorway

    My guess is that they are no diff from any other 4x4 as they all have problems but its just a case of keeping on top of them and you should be ok. When i got mine home thanks to the AA i stripped it and found that the last owner had bodged it together to sell and when i called him he didnt want...
  6. bigjohn1

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Took the head off mine just to find its gone again between 2-3 so its getting skimmed and pressure tested tommorow. With a bit of luck should have it sorted for wed :o
  7. bigjohn1

    300tdi Overheating on Motorway

    A lot of ppl say its best to replace the thermostat and back flush the system but have a read on refilling the system as if your not careful it will cause an air lock and give you loads of trouble. This is also my first landy and i also have had trouble as i bought mine last week from scotland...
  8. bigjohn1

    300tdi Overheating on Motorway

    These seem to suffer from blocked pipes and rads as i have found out mate. At the min it could be loads of things so i would just keep an eye on your water level and see what happens
  9. bigjohn1

    Cracked head ???

    Just pulled head back off and you can see its gone between 2-3 again so my guess is the head is warped. Going to drop it off tommorow and get it tested and skimmed. So with a bit of luck it should be back to running on wed and then i can go and get it dirty.
  10. bigjohn1

    TD4 Clutch doesn't return?

    Dont bleed it as its a sealed system. Go to dealers and buy new kit and its an easy fix. you will get the cylinder at the back of the peddle and the pipe leading to the cylinder on the box. I have fitted a few now and if your handy its deffo a D.I.Y job
  11. bigjohn1

    best diesel injector cleaner additive

    The garage where i work is a forte dealer and i must admit i have seen there stuff do some things you would'nt belive. I have always said give it a good blast but i am starting to change my mind.
  12. bigjohn1

    Cracked head ???

    I called loads of places today and was getting prices from 345+vat up to 460. I will pull the head back off on sat and get it tested but i was told from a few places its a common problem with the heads cracking on these. I know its just guessing until its checked just a bit gutted its broke as i...
  13. bigjohn1

    Cracked head ???

    Its a 2.5 tdi mate M reg. I think its a 300 but not sure as this is the first land rover i have had. I have been at it tonight bleeding it over and over but everytime i go out for a short run its back in the red so my guess is the head is cracked. My next problem is the price of a new head as i...
  14. bigjohn1

    Cracked head ???

    Same here mate but just didnt have the time as needed the car back on the road asap and now kicking myself for not doing it. So i guess its a strip down again :mad::mad:
  15. bigjohn1

    Cracked head ???

    When i did the gasket yesterday i had a right chew bleeding the system but got there in the end and everything was fine till today. I am worried that i have blown the steel gasket or worse cracked the head driving it as i could'nt stop. I have tried to bleed it again tonight but its now chucking...
  16. bigjohn1

    Cracked head ???

    did my head gasket yesterday and all was good till today on the motorway when it boiled up and i couldnt stop for a mile. just wanted to know if its common for the heads to crack on these before i pull it back to bits.
  17. bigjohn1

    Advice pls

    I own a M reg 2.5 TDI disco and yesterday i did the head gasket on it and used a steel gasket. I then took the car for a drive and everything was mint and had no probs after sorting heating out. Today i was on the motorway and the temp hit the red and couldnt stop for about a mile and when i did...
  18. bigjohn1

    Air lock

    Not yet mate but a trip to B&Q is planned for sat then it should be all sorted and sunday is a trip out to the beach to get some mud on it....lol
  19. bigjohn1

    Air lock

    Thanks for all the reply's guys and i got it sorted with all your help. I stuck the front end on a 4 poster ramp at work and filled the rad from plastic bleed screw and then on thermo. Left it there for 10 mins running and heaters got hot so went for a drive and its mint now. I have been a...
  20. bigjohn1

    Air lock

    I now own a 2.5 TDI ES and done the head gasket today but cant get the air out of the system :mad: I have been reading a few posts on here but tried a few with no luck so i guess this is a common problem with these cars. Is there a propper way to do this or is it just pot luck ? I tried removing...