1. N

    Custom built rad

    Bit of a delay getting back, but the plastic bottom of my rad was leaking so I had to bite t bulleti and get a brass one made also, however all's well so far , new 4core copper and brass rad is fitted, and I took wammers advice by going with the viscous fan, temp gauge sits half way on a hard...
  2. N

    Custom built rad

    Cheers wammers, so do you think I should go with an even lower switch say 90/85 , and I presume I can connect it into the black/blue wire close to t tri nary switch and this will turn on the fan through the relay, without any ill affect
  3. N

    Custom built rad

    Just to update, new rad being built , unfortunately I ll be using my old plastic bottom , not really what I wanted but needs must at t moment, however new 4x core in copper and anew top tank in brass with a tapping for the Thermo switch for the fans, now has anybody any idea what temp switch to...
  4. N

    Custom built rad

    Sorry , it's a DSE , if I remove t viscous fan and use datatek s tip for aircon fans for cooling I won't need t shroud, guy can put a tap in t rad for a temp switch and he thinks he'll be able to put a pipe up along t side to meet the top hose , reckons €400 will cover it , rads here vary...
  5. N

    Custom built rad

    Water pump failed last week taken t rad with it , have a guy who ll built a copper core rad with brass tanks , would u change t flow of t rad by putting a pipe from t bottom up on t outside , would I t b a good idea or not and forget t complications of t baffle and t u design flow of t normal rad ,
  6. N

    compressor wont run after clearing faults

    as always guys thanks, you were spot on thermal switch gone, but i think i lost fight to keep her off the coils, 2 sensors a comp seal and a thermal switch and he s changing, fear of the unknown, but at least i ll get to drive a coil conversion and compare. let it begin ha ha . thanks again
  7. N

    compressor wont run after clearing faults

    thanks wammers, owner wants 2 convert 2 coils and i m trying to stop him, he dont want to pay to maintain the eas but no prob to pay for the coils ha ha , funny ole world
  8. N

    compressor wont run after clearing faults

    but would the pressure switch fault show up on the eas unlock, am following that thread at t mo also, i have shutdown the eas unlock correctly , this is the first time i ve had any following issues. i thought that the compressor could not run if the thermal switch had cut out even with the...
  9. N

    compressor wont run after clearing faults

    a friends 38 00 dse threw up eas fault, i cleared the faults this eve, how ever the compressor wont run unless i tell it too, anybody got any ideas,, thanks
  10. N

    Heater Matrix o rings

    done mine as per rr.net, 4 hours and 2 euro for the rings, had a right angle drill from lidl that done the job, put back a hex head m5 thread if i remember correctly, not a huge job, go for it
  11. N

    key fob batteries

    ya solenoid can be heard clicking but locks wont open, hazards flash every time, and then t interior light comes on and she s open, and just like the wife ,but i wont always peace or no peace so i ll fix her hahaha.
  12. N

    key fob batteries

    i thought they should last longer than i was getting, but t cars acting funny, in that sometimes it wont open , you just keep locking unlocking and then she opens, any ideas data,
  13. N

    key fob batteries

    tell me folks , how long should the key batteries last.mine only seem to last a couple of months as in fitted a set last october and she s telling me their low now , does that seem right.
  14. N

    compressor seal and barrell

    lost the battle spud, herself bought 2 day on ebay so that s that, tell me ,how do you make sure the barrell is lined correctly.
  15. N

    compressor seal and barrell

    thanks lads, just one more question, wheres the best place to get t parts, checked out rover renovations and they have a stainless liner, is this t way too go.
  16. N

    compressor seal and barrell

    thanks wammers, i had lightly sanded mine before and in doing so removed the film, cormac its well passed the upside stage for sure, if i could put it on a lathe , i d have to cut t bottom out of a bucket to make a seal, even t bottom side of t piston is damaged but i ll file that, tell me...
  17. N

    compressor seal and barrell

    replaced seal last janunary , but left the old barrell in as it was not badly marked, it all worked good till last night when she refused to rise, got t spanners out today and as i thought the seal had gone again but it really took the barrell out. why has this happened, and where s t best...
  18. N

    what door mirror glass

    her in doors just broke the glass in drivers door mirror, can anyone tell me whats the correct glass, cars a 99 dse, have been looking at a few seems theres a chromatic and a standard, our broken one seem to have 2 glass s on it is this the chromatic one. thanks
  19. N

    Passenger door lock

    as doug says youll have to break t lock, not been able too open t door is a lot different than not been able to unlock it. do a search in t thread search and youll find t answers , i posted on here before how i solved this problem twice, you ve two choices, break t lock or take off t back door...
  20. N

    Passenger door lock

    just too clear things a bit, will t key put t door lock up or down when you turn t key in t passenger door, if it does t problem may be deeper, you should be able to look down between t door and t glass on t outside to see is there any bar of t mechanism