1. W

    im stuck in Sweden !!!!

    got it out but its a bit broken from my bump with the tree trunk. staring arm, front diff, electrics and something els is rattling allot.
  2. W

    im stuck in Sweden !!!!

    yep i no kinda kicking my self at the moment dident realy plan a head and now iv payed the price for it
  3. W

    im stuck in Sweden !!!!

    ok cool will have a go in the morning. what are the off roading lores in Sweden ?
  4. W

    im stuck in Sweden !!!!

    yes it probaly is but dident have any1 els to go with. forest ... im near stockholm in Dolore on the cost
  5. W

    im stuck in Sweden !!!!

    right, i have just got my landy stuck in a forist n sweden. iv spent 4 hours trying 2 dig it out to fined the staring arm has bent it self round a tree stump. i can not winch it of and i will not reverse. i have had 2 leave it as its gone dark. luckily my place is a short walk away. my plan is...
  6. W

    moving from 90 to a 110.

    great !!!. where do i begin ??
  7. W

    moving from 90 to a 110.

    ok cool. does any1 know what the full speck list of the camel trophy 110s were im quite interested in doing it as a re-build
  8. W

    moving from 90 to a 110.

    1991 LAND ROVER 110 DEFENDER TURBO DIES BEIGE on eBay (end time 29-Aug-10 20:59:23 BST) is this worth getting or not ?
  9. W

    moving from 90 to a 110.

    haha would be gd idea but need the money 2 get the 110 ready
  10. W

    moving from 90 to a 110.

    no but i need the space 2 fit more people and more kit in it. i was quite tempted by a camel trophy 110.
  11. W

    moving from 90 to a 110.

    ok iv got my 90 which is prity cool i love it and have put quite a bit of effort into making it what it is. but for what i do i need more space so a 110 is what i think i need. now do i sell my 90 and but a 110 or buy a 110 and use all the new stuff and gd bits of my 90 to do it up ? i do not...
  12. W

    Arctic Trip in about 7 weeks, help please!?

    i am in sweden at the moment on the way down from driving my landy up norway right to the top at nordkapp. its well worth visating a great drive and the sights are amassing all the way up norway. north sweden is a little boring in the summer so yore best bet is staying in norway all the way.
  13. W

    g4 style challenge ????

    i was just looking arouned on the web and thinking is there any g4 style challenges running ?
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    lanndyzone.co.uk trip .....

    ime lucky anuf to have the time and resorses at the moment to get it done when i wont to ime taking full advantage of that and have no intentions of letting it slip away. could some1 plz run throu the documents ide need for me just so i can cross check it to my list and see if ime missing anything
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    lanndyzone.co.uk trip .....

    ive been planing to leave at the end of July so ye prity soon
  16. W

    300tdi 90 bits for Africa trip

    lol its all good every little helps
  17. W

    freezer in Africa ??

    sorry about the dubol post wasent shore which forum was the best for my q
  18. W

    freezer in Africa ??

    lol yes fridge is what i was ment to right realy like yore website its been a grate help, haw did the terrefirma shocks and prings hold up and did you take spairs ?
  19. W

    300tdi 90 bits for Africa trip

    ye i am changing my route to dodge algeria i dident realy think about that little problem when i was clicking away on google maps. do u know were i could get a fridge for relativly cheep they all seem to be so expensive haw many spair springs and shocks did you take with you ? haw much money...
  20. W

    300tdi 90 bits for Africa trip

    ime geting my landy ready for its trip to africa and am working on the insides at the moment. is a freezer a must have or will i be fine without 1? if any 1 could spare, donate or sell for cheep ide be happy to take them off yore hands ....... roof rack jerry cans grills/ bars for side...