1. U

    Strange EAS Problem

    You might be right but don't forget the rear is supposed to come up first so you dont blind other drivers. I would check all four with soapy water plus the tubes from the eas under the bonnet. Good luck.
  2. U

    P38 Key replacement

    Starnge. I bought one from main dealers in Wakefield, it arrived in about 3 days and they even programmed it for me and made sure it was working before I left. Unless there has been a run on them?
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    I just fitted Magnecor blue and tickover smoother and response better. If you have old leads and need to change anyway why not get the best you can afford?
  4. U

    Who to trust my RR with in Yorkshire?

    Thanks very much for all your replies.
  5. U

    Who to trust my RR with in Yorkshire?

    I have had my P38 since October. I am normally hands on and have managed to fit a new EAS compressor, plug leads, and other jobs with my broken leg in plaster but now I really need to sort out a serious oil leak. I suspect oil filter or pressure switch but can't actually get under to have a...
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    P38 7 seats

    Hi. I managed to get a set of cloth seats from a classic RR. They have a bar running along the back that was too long for a P38 but if you cut it down to size it fits behind the rear seat catches, you can still lock the rear seat and then fasten the frame of the 'dicky' seats to the floor. Lap...
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    Mystery Tube. Anyone know?

    Cheers. You may well be right but I am having a bit of trouble with a broken leg at present so difficult to investigate. Broken bank balance soon to follow now I have got the RR bug.
  8. U

    Mystery Tube. Anyone know?

    Cheers. Need time to download RAVE but will do so. I think it might be a dead tube for the cruise possibly for manual versions? Need to get down and trace it but difficult at the moment with a broken leg in plaster!
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    Mystery Tube. Anyone know?

    There's always one. Tried it anyway. Know any good surgeons?
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    Mystery Tube. Anyone know?

    Whilst messing with the cruise control pipes I found a hard plastic tube (similar to the eas tubing) lurking under the cruise control vacuum unit. It has a plastic insert in the end as if it joins onto another tube but I can't find any trace of where it might have come from. It seems to follow...
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    P38 7 seats

    Cheers. I can get new ones at about £800 but I know there are 2nd hand ones out there. It's a bit like X-files. Yours Moldy and skinner.
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    P38 7 seats

    Cheers. I have just got rid of an espace (couldn't stand it). I will live in hope of getting a second hand set.
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    P38 7 seats

    Hi. new member & new owner. Lots of things to ask about but to start I wonder if anyone has any second hand 3rd row seats? Need them for the kids when grandparents join us. I always seem to just miss things on ebay.