1. J

    LandRover TD5 130 from Nottingham

    Think the Rolex would have gone, just wondering if my Snap on tools are still in the back;)
  2. J

    LandRover TD5 130 from Nottingham

    Just been informed that it has been found and is undamaged apart from the wiring loom. Being held by the police as it was "removed from a crime scene". I thought it would have been in a container on its holidays by now! Will update when I get more info.
  3. J

    LandRover TD5 130 from Nottingham

    Quick update - made it on to BBC radio and local press as it was on loan to meals on wheels to help with deliveries in Mansfield in the snow. Link to the BBC news artical BBC News - Nottinghamshire meals-on-wheels 4x4 stolen Sadly still no sign of it.
  4. J

    LandRover TD5 130 from Nottingham

    Just to add to the above as this Landy was my work vehicle and Dann kindly started the thread off as I was at work. Having looked at a pic I can now see it had a light grey rear cover and the rack is not full length. Would love to get it back as it is the most useful vehicle I have ever had...