1. T

    Odd problem...2002 P38

    That's not a typo is it?!
  2. T

    Odd problem...2002 P38

    Ta for that, seems most plausible... Next problem! The car didn't come with an unlock code, am I screwed?
  3. T

    Odd problem...2002 P38

    Ta for the advice. I'll charge it later, any idea what would kill a new batter overnight? Wife swears she left nothing on!
  4. T

    Odd problem...2002 P38

    2002 P38 4.6 LPG. 80,000mls Help!!!! Last night perfect, this morning display showing 'ABS FAULT, GEARBOX FAULT' plus the new battery is dead. All fuses are intact. Any ideas out there? Cheers Rob
  5. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    I would love to do it myself but it would take too long and probably end in a minor disaster, plus my drive is right on the road so is not ideal for stuff like that. I have contacted garages but I feel I need to arm myself with as many facts as I can, hence the forum approach. Budget wise I have...
  6. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    There's a difference between comment and advice. Advice implies some degree of knowledge as opposed to 'Mine worked after someone did so and so to it so it must be true' comments that you must have had in the past. You seem to know what you are talking about and can back it up with a certain...
  7. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    Point taken (although BMWs first effort was the 2002 L series which I think everyone agrees is in a different league)... but where on earth do you get a new long/short engine and get it fitted all for a couple of grand?
  8. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    Will do, but as I can't do the work myself it may be some time.... Does anyone know any mechanic who knows anything about Range Rovers? The one I use doesn't so I'm basically just paying him to learn which is infuriating... It would be alot better if I could find someone who could just do the...
  9. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    I've already used it. Apart from junking the £350 water pump and god knows what else it cost me £200 to get it put in as I don't have the space. Didn't work anyway.
  10. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    What a travesty that after 74000 miles an engine is scrap, along with nearly every other engine from that period. LR deserve to go out of business, trading on their old name which lets face it was crap to begin with. I know a load of you will hark on about your love for the brand but it took BMW...
  11. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    I meant finally an explanation rather than just 'it's knackered'
  12. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    Finally! That sort of sounds right, denial is a strange bedfellow, makes all suggestions sound like accusations! So is there anyway of stopping it getting to that temperature? Fitting different thermostat of bypassing it etc? It's not that I can't afford to get the engine replaced it's just that...
  13. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    Ta ratty, but one sunny day doesn't make a summer does it? Having said that you are quite experienced. Do you know anyone who can look at it for me and/or do the work?
  14. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    Oh I see... I thought you meant sniff test the LPG system. Anyway, to address this dropped liner/porous block thing. Would a problem like that not always and consistently be showing? this car has times when nothing is evident and it runs without a fault?
  15. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    Yes but.... I just don't believe it as a 'knackered engine' would be knackered full stop. A knackered engine would imply major parts being dead or dying. The engine at the moment runs perfectly when it isn't overheating (3 times in six months). I ran up to Yorkshire last month at 90+ both ways...
  16. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    The rad seems to be OK, it is not leaking and the engine runs top dead centre temp wise. The strange thing is that the physics of a cooling system are very simple. I haven't been able to get a straight answer from anyone. I you remove the engine from the equation then you are left with a pipe of...
  17. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    Would the results of a sniff test have anything to do with overheating?
  18. T

    HELP!!!! Overheating V8. Going mad here....

    Help, anyone please? I have a P38 2002 4.6 Vogue. Proper LPG conversion. Lets face it here and now, I and most of the users of this forum cannot afford the amazing high prices of LR and most other garages so would rather get an opinion from the 'real experts' to try and save a mortgage or...