1. A

    Engine Disabled - ALL the time!

    i did read that if you've got leaks in the air suspension - like i do (mine is on its bushes the day after), the EAS system will be working every couple of hrs levelling the car, but that's only going to be a 'drain' on one night, after that once it's sunk to the bushes, it's not going to be...
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    Engine Disabled - ALL the time!

    gulp...well actually i installed it, and while i'm certainly no specialist, it was simple even for me. just plugged it in, there wasn't much else to it - hard to f up really.
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    Engine Disabled - ALL the time!

    after going through the dead battery saga, I changed the RF receiver (£150 from a dealer!), so it can't be cos of that. but I’m not entirely happy with it. For a start, contrary to what i've read on it, it’s much weaker than the previous one (i was then told by a mechanic 'of course...
  4. A

    Engine Disabled - ALL the time!

    I've got a '96 P38 and have been getting "Engine Disabled”, EVERY time I turn the key in the ignition, it’s been going on for a while and it's driving me nuts! I know you can apparently press the button on the fob when starting up, to override this, but that doesn't work for me. So I need to get...
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    RF receiver installation

    Hi all, So i've finally got my new RF receiver for my P38, but i can't get the bloody spring clips off the panel by the rear quarter glass. Any tips?? 1 other question - I've noticed that some times when i start up and engage "D", nothing happens i.e. the car doesn't move, and doesn't...
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    RF Receiver

    ok, a doddle then! thanks.
  7. A

    RF Receiver

    If i've understood correctly, fitting the new receiver doesn't require any soldering - just need to connect the plugs. is that right?
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    RF Receiver

    ok! new RF receiver it is then! i was going to first try disconnecting and see if that worked, but judging by what i've read from some of you guys, it's not really a solution. i'd rather enjoy my P38! at the moment, every time i get home, I have to get under the bonnet and twist this key to...
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    RF Receiver

    no they are definitely 17s. as you say, they look good, but a narrower tyre is meant to be better even for grip on icy surfaces. thanks for that.
  10. A

    RF Receiver

    Can anyone provide instructions for disconnecting the aerial from the RF receiver. I'd rather not F things up! There were a few pics posted of the RF receiver, but i can't see any relevant wires in the pic. Any more info would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
  11. A

    RF Receiver

    thanks for all your comments. I saw on Beamends the price is GBP 140, which is a bit steep for a part that probably cost less than 5 pounds to manufacture, but it seems like it'll be money well spent in the long run, so i'll probably take the plunge!
  12. A

    RF Receiver

    Hi all, I bought a 1996 4.6 HSE a week ago - compared to my Disco 1, it's a completely different experience behind the wheel, and I'm delighted I got it. I am however suffering with the battery, which I now learn is an issue with the P38. The previous owner installed a switch connected to the...
  13. A

    Leak behind FRH wheel

    just noticed a leak recently under the car, next to the front right hand wheel. i thought it could be the windscreen fluid at first, because of the position (i've got a LHD) but it seems as if it's water. the other half said that something had dripped on her foot, as she sat in the passenger...
  14. A

    Power steering

    Cheers for that Gary. As the steering works fine (albeit whines a bit) when the transmission fluid is topped up, and progressivley gets worse as it drains away, I did think that eliminating the leak was the best way forward, rather than changing the whole box. It's been dragging on for a few...
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    Power steering

    thanks everyone for your help!
  16. A

    Power steering

    there seems to be a difference in opinion - so is it the PAS or the wheelbox? just took a pic under the car - you can clearly see in the foreground a drop of transmission fluid about to drop off the tie rod. does this help pin point exactly what it is?
  17. A

    Power steering

    thanks for your answers so far! I've got a Discovery I, '91 - so I guess I'd have to get one specifically for that series, or are the wheelboxes the same on the later series too?
  18. A

    Power steering

    Hi, Need you to help a Discovery driver based in Moscow! My garage has advised me that my steering 'reducter' (that's the Russian word) needs to be replaced - an online translation throws up the following variations: dual high transmission; reducing gear train; speed reduction device...
  19. A

    Power steering

    Hi, Need you to help a Discovery driver based in Moscow! My garage has advised me that my steering 'reducter' (that's the Russian word) needs to be replaced - an online translation throws up the following variations: dual high transmission; reducing gear train; speed reduction device...
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    Flashing orange light

    cheers for that ormus.