1. H

    p38 dashboard

    Cheers, tried dowloading rave ( christ the fun i had with that ) after all that, its started working fine, turned out to be the batteries in the fob ( that started playing up) but with no dash, i was unsure, as the batteries were only 1 month old, ( must have been cheap and nasty). P38...
  2. H

    p38 dashboard

    hi, i have just started using this forum so as you can guess i'm a bit of a virgin to it so please bare with me. Anyway, my problem is that the dashboard seems to come on every now and again, has anyone had this problem or now anything about the possible cause... basically the whole of...
  3. H

    range rover p38.... the dash board is intermittent, ie comes on once in a blue moon, can anyone...

    range rover p38.... the dash board is intermittent, ie comes on once in a blue moon, can anyone help...
  4. H

    P38 Glow Plugs

    hi, as far as i know the make of glow plugs fitted to the RR diesel when manufactured are BERU, i got mine off EBAY for around £50. all the best kevin