1. S

    what tyres?

    Hi folks, was wandering if anyone can give me some advice on what are the best (and not too crazy priced) tyres to fit on my 1987 landy 90? Shes a toy really, some towing now and again but mainly used for winter, getting to work etc as I take the car off thr road during winter months.tried a...
  2. S

    perkins prima conversion

    cheers mate, thats the info iv bin following and i cant make head nor tale of where and how much to cut off the crank, they say its fairly obvious where to cut but i cant see where, have you done or do you know anyone who has done this conversion? im using the mk1 addapter plate which uses the...
  3. S

    perkins prima conversion

    haha! sounds cool, iv heard so much good reports on the perkins prima, at the moment iv got the engine on the bench, renewed all the filters, timing belt, glow plugs etc. iv got the mk1 adapter plate ready to fit onto the engine, only problem is that according to the info iv been following from...
  4. S

    perkins prima conversion

    hey folks, im currently in the middle of fitting a 2.0td perkins prima engine to my series 2a landy, im using the mk1 addapter plate which uses the sherpa starter motor, has anyone done this conversion before? if so id love to hear from you to share any hints / tips etc as im...
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    help needed for perkins prima conversion

    ah i see, yeah i almost bought the mk2 kit from dudleigh but spotted a mk1 kit in the local free ads paper and snapped it up as it was cheap, and came with loads of spares, thanks again for all your help mate, ill keep you popsted on my project, dying to get her back on the road!
  6. S

    help needed for perkins prima conversion

    ok dokey, thanks for that mate, il have a look out for those bits n bobs, did you have to cut the end off of the crankshaft when you did your conversion? if so, how much did you cut off? thanks again...
  7. S

    help needed for perkins prima conversion

    hi there, thanks for your reply and help you have given, what type of oil cooler did you use? is there any other hints / tips you could give for the conversion? thanks again...
  8. S

    help needed for perkins prima conversion

    hi there, just got your message, i dont get on the net as much as id like to, thanks very much for your help on my question, i will have a look at that link you sent through, im dying to get this conversion done as im missing my old landy something terrible! will keep you posted on...
  9. S

    help needed for perkins prima conversion

    hi folks! im new to the forum, was on as a guest before and thought id join as it is a pretty cool page! im currently in the middle of converting my 1968 s2a swb landy with the perkins prima 2.0td engine and was hoping to find anyone who has done the conversion themselves, for any hints/tips...