1. M

    P38 on gas, Brisk plugs

    Thanks for the replys, Since found gas pressure regulator valve was us, changed it out 7 problem improved but not totally gone. av to fit new leads 7 plugs 7 retune on gas. though the missfire does'nt seem to appear running on petrol ?
  2. M

    P38 on gas, Brisk plugs

    New to RRs recently bought 4 Ltr V8 SE 98 plate. P38? Had some problems missfires on gas and wondered if anyone here had tried Brisk plugs instead of standard. intend to invest in some magnycours leads so if anyone has used the plugs or leads are they all their cracked up to be. Cheers peeps:)
  3. M

    New to rangies

    Lo everyone, I gone and bought a V8 moneypit, Nice when its behaving but bit slimming on da wallet at the minute. Cracking website !!