1. H

    possible injection pump failer

    hi peeps big help needed from all you talented poeple out there,,noticed a rattle when accelarated was hopeing it was the air con pump so cut belt of still rattaled from that area now thinking its injection pump cos on the way home it started to cut out as though was running out of fuel but when...
  2. H

    Coolant leak somewhere, but where? HELP!!!

    be carefull to cheack for a core plug on the engine blok i had the same problem with my 300 tdi it was just under the core plug on the head only trouble is its engine out to fix.....a new core plug is less then a quid from paddock
  3. H

    core plug

    wot is the procedure to fit a new core plug to either cylinder head or engine block at rear of engine on a 300 tdi 2.5....is it the engine out job or can it be done in situ.......i fear its the engine out job myself but praying its not....lol
  4. H

    leaking like niagra falls

    yeah its defrnatly coolant could it be the pipe leading from the radiater through the air conditioner then through bulk head into the matrix or am i just grsping at thin air...and if it where the head gasgit would i not be seeing water in the oil which im not at the present....another thing is...
  5. H

    leaking like niagra falls

    checked the pipes into the heater matrix not leaking there could it be the pipe running from the air conditioning pipe from the front of the car through the bulk head into the water matrix..the water seems to be leaking onto the gearbox top just carnt see where from......pps is there a core plug...
  6. H

    leaking like niagra falls

    hi forum bubbies cn any one put any light to my problem of a water leak that seams to be comming from the top rear of the engine on a 300 tdi r reg between the bulk head and the bell houseing......nd if you have an idea how much of a job is it to fix ny infermation greatly recived thanks....
  7. H

    rear brakes

    need to renew rear discs and pads can any one tell me if this is a easy job for a novice,,, and wot diffeculties am i likely to counter....any replise greatly recived
  8. H

    clutch bearing being naughty

    can any one tell me how easy it is to replace the clutch and bearing and fork in a disco 300tdi....and is it a job a novice can do..........ps or is there anyone who knows where i can get it done for less then the 500 in humberside area