1. I

    Holding back & shooting forward

    Hi all, My first question after almost 2 years on the forum. My 99 2.5dse is holding back at around 2000rpm going to 1800 and then pulls up like nothing is wrong. sometimes going steady very slow to 3000rpm and then shifting into next gear. And with the pedal at the same spot the rpm going...
  2. I

    Hello from Antwerp

    Hi all, After driving for 3yrs with a 1998 grand cherokee (witch i hate now:mad:) it was time to get back to the landy's. I had classic range rovers for ten yrs and never had any serious troubles with them. Only the small bits and pieces that you have to live with. So last week i bought a...
  3. I

    range rover p38 2.5 diesel

    Hi, what year is the range rover? It was also a problem with some bmw E39 525tds Try filling the tank and seeing if it starts pretty much immediately. It can be caused by a few things: Glow plugs. Duff Primer pump in the tank. Bad seal in the tank. Blocked gauze filter in the tank...