1. J

    How Much have you SP£NT on your land Rover???

    well i brought my disco feb09 within weeks spent 750 on having all crank rebuilt after some muppet put a wood ruff key where it shouldnt of gone and it put timing out 4 and half times then to top it off all pulleys had new grooves where they shouldnt of been 750 later engine sweet as nut my...
  2. J

    hheeeeeeeeeeeellllp needed

    hi all am in need bit help/info lol are u ready for this lol i have a 93 k reg disco which i havnt had long but am having bit of break fade it isnt all time but if i am rolling forward or back wards and i put my foot on brake pedal its as if there nothing there after bit of inspecting today...
  3. J

    any body know any sites for fitting bull bars????

    hi can any body help is it easy fitting bull bars on a 93 disco???????:confused::confused::confused: